Co-option Notice May 2023

Ashen Parish Council

Notice of Vacancy

Notice is hereby given that there is a vacancy on Ashen Parish Council.  The Council proposes  to fill the vacancy by co-option. If you wish to be considered for co-option, you will need to

apply to the clerk to the council, Mrs Karen Melville-Ross

by 5 pm on 16th June 2023

by email at or in writing to Rookery House, Cockfield Road, Felsham IP30 0QP.

Applicants are asked to attach or enclose a brief statement setting out any matters which they would like the Council to take into account in considering their application for co-option. The Council will consider all the applications duly made within this period but reserves the right at its discretion also to consider applications made after 16th June.  It intends to make its decision on the proposed co-option at its meeting on 19th September 2023 at 7.15 pm in the village hall.

To be a councillor you need to be:

  1. A British, Commonwealth or  Irish citizen; and
  2. 18 or over; and
  3.  Meet at least one of the following criteria:

a.         on the electoral register for the parish; or

b.         during the twelve months before nomination have owned or tenanted land or premises in the parish;  or

c.          During the twelve months before nomination your  principal or only place of work has been in the parish; or

d.         During the twelve months before nomination resided in the parish or within three miles of it.

Certain people are disqualified from standing, and these include paid officers (including the Clerk) of the council, bankrupts and those subject to recent sentences of imprisonment.

For further information, please contact the Clerk to the Council Karen Melville-Ross

Tel : 01284828977 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5.00pm);