Tatsfield and its history

BBC Radio Surrey has this latest addition to its 'Secret Surrey' series





Click here to download and browse the archive catalogue

Please note that the apparent links on the opening page of the catalogue to 'people' and the 'Parish Council minutes' are not working.  Corrections will be made when the opportunity arises.           Westmore Green                   

 Westmore Green postcard from before the First World War looking north and showing highway flints stacked close to the White House and housing opposite on the site of Wedgwoods


Looking for the grave of an ancestor?

Some details are here. Insert 'Tatsfield' into the 'Cemetery Location' box.

Our publication ‘TATSFIELD – THE FIRST 2000 YEARS’ (price £10) is available by post



This second edition retains the essence and style of the original book - published two decades ago - as     well as meeting the need to record how Tatsfield has developed since the Millennium. We hope that’s what we have achieved in this expanded 162-page edition, this time with many more illustrations in colour.  For details of how to order for postal delivery, please email us at:





There is no need to log in or join this website to view its content.  For family history and other enquiries, see the note at the bottom of this page.


The Parade with Mr Sawtell's butcher's shop. the Working Men's Club and Mr Field's shop ca.1905

Tatsfield's History Project has accumulated an archive of well over 5,000 items originally based on the records of Tatsfield Parish Council.  This archive goes back to the first documented reference to Tatsfield - in the Domesday Book.  The archive catalogue is accessible from the drop-down menu on the left or from the links on this page. 

Enquiries about the details of individual items and requests for copies should be sent to the email address below.  Burial records from 1870 until 2004 are available on request.

Information about the history of Tatsfield is also available at the Caterham and District Local History Centre in Caterham Valley Library.  The Surrey History Centre can provide more information online, as can the  National Archives.  Surrey Parish Records can be found online at ancestry.co.uk

Have you been to the excellent 'Exploring Surrey's Past' website lately?  Click here and insert 'Tatsfield' into the 'Search Website & Collections' window to see what a wealth of material about Tatsfield is held by the Surrey History Centre.

Click here to find out where Tatsfield is

Future plans:The Tatsfield History Project continues. If you have lived in or near Tatsfield, or have any background information, photographs or any other material which you think might interest us, please get in touch through the email address below or by leaving a telephone message on +44 1959 577376. We are particularly interested in any deeds relating to sales of property in Tatsfield between 1830 and 1870. 

PRIVACY: Everything held by theTatsfield History Project is already in the public domain, either in the official records of the parish council or of other public bodies, in material available on the internet, held in other public archives or in published books and other publications.   

Click here for our Facebook page 


email: tatsfield.history@talk21.com  (We are able to respond relatively quickly to email requests for information from our archivesThis can be especially useful if you are researching your family history. Please include the words ‘Research Enquiry’ in the subject line to avoid your email being consigned accidently to the ‘spam’ bin). Incoming emails will be retained indefinitely unless you specifically ask for this not to happen.  One person's enquiry can often contain an answer to another person's question and it may from time to time be appropriate to ask you whether you would be happy for another enquirer to contact you direct.
Click here to browse the archive catalogue

Please note that the apparent links on the opening page of the catalogue to 'people' and the 'Parish Council minutes' are not working.  Corrections will be made when the catalogue is next updated.

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Contact Details

Tatsfield History Project,
Aileen McHugo Building,
Westmore Green,
TN16 2AG