Mah Jong Competition 2014 麻雀大賽
Sunday 13 July 2014
11:00 to 18:00
Mah Jong Competition
Sunday 13th July 2014
Prize in cash will be awarded to the top players’
冠軍-一佰鎊 亞軍-五拾鎊 |
季軍-三拾鎊 殿軍-二拾鎊 |
Time: 時間 11.00 am to 5.00 pm
時間: 上午11:00至下午5:00
Venue: 場址 -米立中心 Milaap Centre
140 Acre Road, Kingston, KT2 6EE
Entry is £10.00 Including Lunch.
入場費: 每位10鎊連午飯
For registration and information please contact : 有關報名和訊息,請聯繫 :
Mr. Peter Nam |
07913 347 990 |
藍先生 |
Mrs. Juliana Kwan |
07894 432 253 |
關太 |
Contact |
Mrs. Juliana Kwan 07894 432 253 |
Location |
米立中心 Milaap Centre 140 Acre Road, Kingston KT2 6EE (view map) |
Cost | Entry is £10.00 Including Lunch. 每位10鎊連午飯 |