Who are BAME people?
Black And Minority Ethnic groups
The term ‘BAME’ communities refer to groups of people who may be distinct because of their skin colour, race, language, culture or religion. Many people from BAME communities are disadvantaged and often face discrimination due to their distinct nature.
45% of the total BAME population in the UK lives in London. Examples of BAME groups include: Black Africans and Caribbeans, Asians, Gypsies and Travellers, Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Mixed Race People and Eastern Europeans.
Access to services by BAME communities:
Like everyone else, members of BAME communities have a right to timely and appropriate health and social care services. However people from BAME communities may face difficulties in accessing services due to barriers such as:
- Language problems — English is not a first language for most BAME people. Please ask GPs for an interpreter if you, or a loved one, are unable to communicate well in English.
- Stigma — Most people fail to talk about mental health problems because they fear being misunderstood. It is important to remember that health problems will often get worse when we fail to address them. With regards to Dementia, it is important to support family members or friends who present symptoms of Dementia and to help them overcome the fear of seeking help.
- Lack of information — For more information around Dementia and services, talk to your GP, contact service providers mentioned in this booklet or talk to your community leaders.
Why should dementia be a concern for BAME communities in Kingston?
- Approximately 20% of Kingston residents are BAME people
- Approximately 1,400 people in Kingston are living with Dementia
- Members of BAME communities are under-represented in existing health and social care services leading to disparities in health outcomes and poor quality of life
Local Services:
1 Local Branches of Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society has drop-in centres at:
- Kingston Health Centre,10 Skerne Road, KT2 5AD, Tel. 020 3513 5147 kingstonoffice@alzheimers.org.uk
- Surbiton Health Centre, First floor, Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, KT6 6EZ. Tel: 020 3513 5147
Dementia UK run an Advice Service which is primarily aimed for people with Dementia as well as their families and carers. Dementia UK: 0800 888 6678
2 Admiral Nurse
These are specialist mental health nurses specialising in Dementia. They work within the NHS and use a range of interventions that help people to live positively with the condition. Currently there are approximately 75 Admiral Nurses in the UK.
Kingston’s Admiral Nurse is Sybil Sibanda - Sybil.Sibanda@swlstg-tr.nhs.uk, Tel. 020 8390 0102.
3 Age Concern
Age Concern Kingston runs a Dementia Cafe at Raleigh House, 14 Nelson Road, New Malden, KT3 5EA. The centre is open every second Friday of the month. The next one is on 10th July 2010. For further information please contact Natasha Rosner – Email – Natasha.Rosner@ageconcernkingston.org Tel. 020 8942 8256.
4 Dementia Carers Cafe
It provides support and a range of activities for carers and people living with Dementia. The centre is open every last Wednesday of the month, 6-8pm. For further information please email – dementiacarerscafe@yahoo.co.uk or Tel. 07535 964 435. Address - Amy Woodgate House, Nigel Fisher Way (off Merritt Gardens), Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2SN.
5 Kingston Chinese Association
Offers information and support to the Chinese community in the Borough.
Email - kca.newsletter@gmail.com
Finally, please vist Alzheimers.org.uk for more information.
黑人和少數族裔社群 與 癡呆症
術語 '黑人和少數族裔' 社群是指因為膚色,種族,語言,文化或宗教不同的群體。由於其獨特的性質,許多黑人和少數族裔社區,弱勢群體,經常受到歧視。
•語言問題 - 大多數黑人和少數族裔社群的第一語言不是英語。如果你或你的家人,無法使用流利英語溝通,請要求你的家庭醫生提供翻譯員。
•恥辱 - 大多數人忽視或言及精神和心理健康問題,因為他們害怕被人誤解。重要的是要記住,我們不解決這些問題,健康問題往往會變得更糟。如果有家人或朋友呈現癡呆症病狀,隨著問侯,重要的是家庭成員的支持,並幫助他們克服恐懼和尋求幫助。
•缺乏信息 -請向你的家庭醫生或這本小冊子提及的服務團體查詢更多有關癡呆症和服務信息。
Local Services本地服務:
1 - Local Branches of Alzheimer's Society 阿爾茨海默協會地方分支機構
阿爾茨海默氏症(老年痴呆症)協會在倫敦西南有一辦事處:宛茲沃斯 - 241加拉特巷,Wandsworth,倫敦,SW18 4DU電話020 8877 0033。
本地還有一個癡呆病症諮詢處,提供的服務對象主要是癡呆症病人以及他們的家人和照顧者。京士頓癡呆病症顧問是 勞拉 馬希爾 。
電子郵件 - Laura.Maher@alzheimers.org.uk - 電話0208 296 1317
2 - Admiral Nurse 上將護士
他們是專業應付癡呆病症的心理健康專科護士。他們在國民保健服務NHS工作。他們在專科範圍使用干預措施,積極幫助病的人生活條件。目前,英國有大約有 75名上將護士。京士頓區專科護士是 西比爾 西班達 。
電子郵件 - Sybil.Sibanda@swlstg-tr.nhs.uk
3 - Age Concern 年齡關注組
由京士頓年齡關注組運作的癡呆症護理咖啡廳在:羅利樓,14號,納爾遜路,新莫爾登,KT3 5EA。中心的開放時間都在每月的第二個星期五。下一個是2010年7月10日。如需進一步信息,請聯繫 娜塔莎 羅斯納 。
電子郵件 - Natasha.Rosner@ageconcernkingston.org - 電話020 8942 8256
3 - Dementia Carers Cafe 癡呆症照顧者咖啡廳
它對癡呆症的家人和照顧者提供一系列的生活支持和活動。該中心在每月的最後一個星期三開放,晚上6至8時。如需進一步資料,請電郵 dementiacarerscafe@yahoo.co.uk - 或電話。 07535964435。
地址 - 艾米伍德蓋特樓奈傑爾費希爾路(梅里特花園對出),切辛頓,薩里,KT9 2SN
4 - 京士頓華人協會
電子郵件 - kca.newsletter@gmail.com
Contact information
Kingston Chinese Association (KCA) 京士頓華人會會址
c/o The Searchlight Centre,
Kingston Road,
New Malden,