
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the swift. Our aim is to protect and enhance the traditional nesting sites of these iconic summer visitors and to establish new nesting sites where appropriate in the Hastings and Rother area of East Sussex.

We advise on the supply and installation of swift nest bricks, soffit boxes and call systems.


Image courtesy of Robert Booth 

Why Swifts?

In December 2021 the swift moved to the RED LIST of Highest Conservation Priority.

Swifts under threat - Sadly these beautiful birds are in trouble with a 58% drop in breeding numbers in just 25 years.

Loss of nesting sites - Reasons include demolition of buildings where swifts nested; renovations to buildings; and new-builds with sealed roofs and walls that do not provide swift nest options.

Conservation in our hands - We can help by spotting and protecting nest sites and urging local authorities, developers and builders to include swifts in their plans; plus we can retrofit swift bricks or put up soffit or other specialist swift nest boxes on our homes.



 The swifts materialise,

At the tip of a long scream.

'Look! They're back! Look!'

And their whirling blades

Sparkle out into blue.


They've made it again,

Which means the globe's still working,

The Creation's still waking refreshed,

Our summer's still all to come.


Excerpts from 'Swifts' by Ted Hughes


Play: Swift scream