Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan
The Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan has been "made" as a result of a delegated decision by the AVDC Forward Plans Manager taken on 16 March 2015. This means that our Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for the Vale of Aylesbury, and policies in our Plan will therefore now be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Parish. You can see the final version of the Plan, and the AVDC decision statement, by following the links below.
Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum result
Great Horwood has an electorate of 815 persons entitled to vote in local elections
In the referendum 491 ballot papers were counted, representing 60.2% of the electorate. Of these, 447 were votes for YES, and 44 were votes for NO. There were no spoilt or invalid ballot papers. Thus 91.0% of the votes cast were YES votes.
The Great Horwood Neighbourhood Plan will now be made by AVDC, and it will become part of the development plan for the district against which planning applications are assessed.
The referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan took place on Thursday 5 March 2015 in Great Horwood Village Hall, between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
Those who were registered to vote in local elections because of having a qualifying address in Great Horwood were entitled to vote in the referendum.
For more details, see the Background information document.
Click here for an electronic copy of the plan:
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan (Referendum Version)
Paper copies are available to view in the Village Hall, St James Church or with the Parish Clerk
Further documents relating to the referendum are:
Background information about the referendum, including information about eligibility to vote
Examiner's Report
The Examiner's report is available here. It recommended that, subject to some specific modifications, the Plan could go forward to a referendum. The Examiner's report was accepted by AVDC, and the document describing their decision is available here.
Independent examination
After completion of the publicity period, AVDC appointed Mr Julian Jackson as Independent Examiner. The Examiner would recommend whether or not the Plan should go forward to a referendum, either unchanged or subject to specific modifications that he may propose.
Mr Jackson decided that a Hearing would be held, in order to receive oral representations about particular issues. The Hearing took place on Thursday 27 November 2014, in Great Horwood Village Hall, starting at 1pm.
The Examiner provided the following documents for the Hearing:
Requested Points of Clarification
The Points of Clarification requested by the Examiner were:
First Point of Clarification (green spaces)
Second Point of Clarification (site areas)
The Examiner provided a list of the Parties who would be called to respond to each topic on the Agenda:
Regulation 16 Publicity Period
After submission to AVDC, the Neighbourhood Plan was made available for comments during the Regulation 16 Publicity Period. The publicity period ran from Monday 21 July to Monday 8 September 2014, longer than the six-week minimum to take account of the holiday period. The responses submitted during this period may be found on the AVDC website. This consultation has now closed.
Submission Plan
At its meeting on 14th July 2014, Great Horwood Parish Council adopted the following resolution:
"To approve the Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan for submission to AVDC for the Regulation 16 publicity period and the appointment of an independent examiner."
The Submission Plan and its associated documentation may be accessed using the links below. The links to the Evidence Base may be found here.
Submission Plan
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Submission Plan
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Policies Map
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Policies Map (Inset A)
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Sustainability Appraisal
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Basic Conditions Statement
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Site Assessment (2014)
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Consultation Statement
Consultation Statement Appendices (including Regulation 14 Report)
Review of Pre-Submission Consultation
The 20th meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Team was held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 18th June 2014 in Great Horwood School. The public were invited to attend.
The minutes of the meeting are available here.
Pre-Submission Consultation
(This consultation has now closed)
At its meeting on 14th April 2014, Great Horwood Parish Council adopted the following resolution:
"To approve the Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014 2031 Pre Submission plan for public consultation under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and in accordance with EU Directive 2001/42."
This public consultation will be held during a six week period commencing Monday, 28 April 2014 and ending on Monday, 9 June 2014. Any representation on the Pre-Submission Plan should be submitted to the Parish Clerk by 5pm on 9 June 2014 at: (please put ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ in the email subject title)
or in writing at :
The Neighbourhood Plan,
Parish Clerk,
2 Spring Close,
Great Horwood,
Bucks MK17 0QU
The Pre-Submission Plan, and its accompanying Evidence Base, may be accessed using the links below.
Pre-Submission Plan
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Pre-Submission Plan
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Proposals Map
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Proposals Map (Inset A)
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014--2031 Draft Sustainability Appraisal
Great Horwood Parish Housing Needs Survey (2014)
Great Horwood Parish Community Event (2014)
Great Horwood Parish Plan (2006)
Great Horwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan Spatial Policy: Site Size (2014)
Great Horwood Community View (2011)
Great Horwood Conservation Area Review (2012)
Great Horwood Parish Historic Town Assessment (2012)
Aylesbury Vale Settlement Hierarchy Assessment: A Critique (2014)
Aylesbury Vale Settlement Hierarchy Assessment (2012)
Vale of Aylesbury Plan: Great Horwood Fact Pack (2012)
Vale of Aylesbury Plan: Pre-Submission (2012)
Aylesbury Vale Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2013) (ref: CD/HOU/006)
Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (2004)
Aylesbury Vale Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2012)
Vale of Aylesbury Plan: Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal (2012)
Aylesbury Vale Landscape Character Assessment: Horwood Claylands (2008)
Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre
Preparatory work
Minutes of Great Horwood Neighbourhood Planning Team meetings