Loxley Cemetery Site Plans: Long Lane Sections

Long Lane Sections: Detail

The Long Lane section of the cemetery has the more recent burials, with the earliest being 1914, and going up to the present day.

These sections have pairs of rows – odd numbers and even numbers; the rows are lettered, and the plots are numbered e.g. G 30. There are two distinct parts to this section, which you may see referred to as NE1, which has rows A-H, and NE2 which has rows I-P. The first part, NE 1, has the rows running from east to west, whereas NE2 has the rows running west to east, leaving us with the odd situation that row A is next to row I – please see the diagram below. The numbers run from south to north, from the bottom to the top.

Long Lane sections plan


This is a more detailed plan of the rows and plot numbers but note that it is orientated differently to the previous plan – here Long Lane is at the bottom.


Plan of the Long Lane section large