On two occasions during 2017, working with the Environment Trust, we placed camera traps in the Park to see if any hedgehogs are resident. Sadly none were seen in the two locations we chose.
Elliot Newton, of the Environment Trust, gave a short presentation on hedgehogs at our AGM in July. To see the delightful video that he showed us, please go to the ET website (link below)
We know there are some hedgehogs in Hampton, and perhaps they do use Carlisle Park - just not where the cameras were.
Hedgehog numbers have declined by about a third since 2000, so they need all the help we can give them, and we would like to make Carlisle Park as hedgehog-friendly as we possibly can.
Dogs can attack and injure hedgehogs, so the fact that our Park is locked, dark and dog-free at night should be a bonus for them. (If you have a dog, light your garden for 10 minutes before letting the dog out at night - hedgehogs will retreat from light.)
Hedgehogs need a large range - they may roam a mile in a night. No single garden is enough: they need connectivity between gardens, parks and other green spaces. Walls and fences should have gaps low down of about 13cm to enable hedgehogs to roam. Particularly if your garden adjoins the park, think about access for hedgehogs, and consider making holes in or under your fence! They also need long grass, and leaf and woodpiles for warmth and food, so all the ecological enhancements to the park that we are making should help hedgehogs as well as other wildlife.
For more information on hedgehogs and how to help them, and to report a sighting, go to: http://www.environmenttrust.co.uk/hedgehogs
If you see a hedgehog in the vicinity of the park, please also let us know (email <focpark@gmail.com> ) All wildlife sightings (both common and rarer species) can also be reported to: http://swlen.org.uk/our-work/biodiversity/ |