Drylaw Parish Church of Scotland, Edinburgh

Groathill Road North

 Shaking Hands


"We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ .... knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us". Romans 5: 1, 3-5


Welcome to Drylaw Parish Church

Please do get in touch - here are the ways to do that:

  • Fill out our Contact Form by clicking here - Contact Form - .
  • Speak to our Session Clerk, Amanda Lawson on 07703 178731, or email drylawparishchurch@btinternet.com. The hours of work for the church office are: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10am till 1pm; and Thursdays from 10am till 12 noon. The phone number is 0131 332 6863, and a message can be left on the answer machine outside these hours.
  • We welcome Mrs Barbara Finlayson as our Interim Moderator. Her email address is B.Finlayson1952@gmail.com
  • We are happy also to welcome the Very Reverend Angus Morrison as our locum minister until June 2025.


This is how the church looks now! Our church has returned to this seating layout:

 Sanctuary 2020


Sunday Worship

We have a 10.30 service in church on Sunday mornings, and this will also be available using Zoom (link and details below). Our new locum minister, the Very Reverend Angus Morrison, will lead us in worship for the first time on Sunday 23rd February and we look forward to that.

We are pleased to offer tea or coffee and a chance to chat after the service every Sunday again! Everyone is most welcome to join.

Online Worship on Sunday mornings at 10.30am:

The services will be live-streamed on Zoom, available on computer or the phone, using the same contact details as over the past few months.

Please use the way of joining in worship which feels right for you at this time. To join live online using Zoom: If you've not already done so, you’ll need to download the Zoom.us app (Zoom client for meetings) to your phone, computer, iPad etc. It’s free. Once it is installed on your device:

Click here to join the live service

Meeting ID: 859 3565 5877

Password: 630348


By phone you can use any one of these four numbers:

0131 460 1196

0203 051 2874

0203 481 5237

0203 481 5240

Meeting ID: 859 3565 5877

Password: 630348

You can join the Sunday morning service anytime from 10.20am onwards.

News and Upcoming Events

Friday 11th April Prize Bingo in the large hall. The fundraising group would welcome donations; please speak to Susan Jeffrey for further details.

Stamps - Last year we collected used stamps for Crossreach and Damaris has kindly agreed to do that again, so please do save your stamps as it's an easy way to generate money for Crossreach. Please tear with a good margin around them and pop them into the box at the back of the Sanctuary.

Edinburgh North West foodbank is missing us! They have emailed asking if we can continue with some support either by donating at supermarkets or making a one off or regular financial donation. The supermarkets in the north of the city which are affiliated are: Morrisons Granton, Waitrose & Partners Comely Bank and Marks & Spencer Craigleith. And you can visit their website here to make a financial donation. (They are now known as Edinburgh Food Project).

For more News & Events please click here


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DATA PROTECTION POLICY: click here to download a copy.


FacebookChurch of Scotland

Contact Information

Email drylawparishchurch@btinternet.com

Telephone 0131 332 6863

Address 2A Easter Drylaw Gardens