Please check the News page for all the latest information affecting residents in the parish of Bradwell and Pattiswick
Parish Council Meetings 2025
The Bradwell with Pattiswick Parish Council meet on the second Monday of each month (excluding August) at 7.30pm in the Bradwell Village Hall, Church Road, CM77 8EP.
The role of the Parish Council is to discuss and make decisions on a wide range of subjects, including to:
- give views on planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish;
- undertake projects and schemes that benefit local residents;
- work in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish;
- alert relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken;
- help the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities.
All parish council meetings are open to the press and public, and we encourage and welcome residents of all ages to come and let us know what they think about their parish and what should be happening in it.
In addition to the regular meetings, we do occasionally have extra meetings to discuss specific subjects and also have an Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting in May of each year.
The regular meeting dates have been scheduled for 2025 as follows:
13 January
10 February
10 March
14 April
12 May - Annual Parish Meeting, Annual Parish Council Meeting as well as the Parish Council Meeting
9 June
14 July
No meetings in August
8 September
13 October
10 November
8 December
All agendas for parish meetings are published 3 days before the meeting and are placed on noticeboards in both Bradwell and Pattiswick as well as listed on this website (Meetings 2025).
Please note that these dates may be subject to change, so please check back regularly for the latest information.
Election of Parish Councillors for Bradwell on Thursday 4 May 2023
Following the Election of Parish Councillors, Dan Gascoyne, the Returning Officer for the Parish of BRADWELL reported that the persons whose names appear in the following list, stood validly nominated and therefore were duly elected without a contest:
Cllr. Tony Dunn - Chair
Cllr. Glenn Lockey - Vice Chair
Cllr. Adam Deighton
Cllr. Craig Evans
Cllr. Antony Harding
Cllr. Lesley Kinder
Cllr. Michael Turner
Our County Councillor
Our District Councillors