The Parish Council has formally adopted the following policy relating to Freedom of Information.  This makes clear our continuing commitment to an open adminstration and record keeping.


How to obtain information available from Blackmore, Hook End & Wyatts Green Parish Council under the adopted scheme....


1. Who we are and what we do: See website, write, telephone, email, notice boards, or visit the office 

Organisational information and contacts:


Who is on the Parish Council/Committees:See website, notice boards, call/visit the office

 Contact details: Parish Clerk: Susan Clapham

 Tel: 01277-822421


Chairman and Councillor contact details: See website, notice boards or call/visit the office 

Location of main office and accessibility: Parish Office:

Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall, Blackmore Road, Hook End, Brentwood, Essex. CM15 0DT.

Wheelchair access available.

 Staffing structure: Parish Clerk

 Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)


2. What we spend and how we spend it:

Current and previous financial year as a minimum

Annual Return form and report by auditor: In office or published as required by legislation

Finalised budget: In office or published as required by legislation

Precept:  In office or published as required by legislation

Financial Standing Orders and Regulations:  In office

Grants given and received:  In office


3. What our priorities are and how we are doing

 Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting (current

and previous year as a minimum): In office


4. How we make decisions

Timetable of meetings (Council, committee/sub-committee On website, notice boards (monthly) and parish office 

Meetings and parish meetings) 

Agendas of meetings (as above):  At meeting or issued in accordance with legislation

Minutes of meetings (as above) – (This will exclude information

that is properly regarded as private to the meeting):  In office

Reports presented to Council meetings – (This will exclude

Information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting):  In office

Responses to consultation papers:  In office

Responses to planning applications:  In office

Bye-laws:  In office


5. Our Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures for the conduct of Council business:

Procedural Standing Orders:  Available for inspection in office

Committee and sub-committee terms of reference : Available for inspection in office

Code of Conduct Adopted:  latest national code of conduct

Policies and Procedures about: 

The employment of staff; NALC standards apply

Policies and procedures for handling requests for information:  Please contact the Clerk

Complaints Procedure:  In office

Information Security Policy:  Key holders schedule in office


Records management policies (records retention, destructionand archive):  As per legislation 

Data protection policies:  As per legislation

Schedule of charges (for the publication of information): See attached appendix ‘schedule of charges’ – held in office


6. Lists and Registers

Allotment Tenants: Allotment register in office

Parish room/village hall rental bookings:  Schedule in office

Assets Register:  Available for inspection in office

Register of members interests: Available for inspection in office and online

Register of gifts and hospitality: Available for inspection in office


7. The services we offer: 

Role of the Parish Council and the Councillors:  Available in the office

Allotments Notice:  on notice boards and website

Community centres and village halls:  On website and available in the office

Parks, Playing fields and recreational facilities:  On website and in the office

A summary of services for which the Council is entitled to

Recover a fee, together with those fees (e.g. allotments):  In office


Additional Information

Parish Boundary: A4 map available from office

Grant Policy: Available for inspection in office

Footpaths Map: available for inspection in office


Contact Details:

 For information pertaining to any of the above:  please contact the Clerk.
















































Publication Scheme Data Approved and Published May 2014










SCHEDULE OF CHARGES for the provision of information under the Parish Council’s Publications Scheme










Disbursement costs Photocopying @10p per A4 sheet Actual cost


(black and white)


Colour printing not currently available




Postage Current cost of Royal Mail standard 2nd class stamp




Packaging At actual cost per item




Statutory fee As defined in legislation As prescribed




Other – labour Labour charges, by the hour


@ £20/hrEstimate of time to be agreed


(based on overtime working) in advance of work










Note: Building plans may be viewed but not copied at the Parish office.




All enquiries to be dealt with at the office by appointment.