Wychbury Road Allotments held their 1st Open Day, on Sunday 3rd June 12 noon - 4pm

There was a great line up of activities to entertain the local community and celebrate the first year the site has been full for many years. 

Fun activities included tombola, garden plant & products sale, tarot card reading, BBQ & refreshments stall and home made cakes and preserves straight from the plot. 

The Grand Raffle with over 50 prizes was drawn by Councillor Vivienne Barton.

open day 1 prizes    open day scare crow

Councillor Vivienne Barton also judged the Jubilee Themed Scarecrow competition and best new plot for 2012.

A total of over £1,000 was raised through the help and support of plot holders and the local community.


refreshments    open day busy