Constitution of Wychbury Road Allotment Association


1)    The name of the association will be: Wychbury Road Allotment Association

2)    All plot holders on the site shall be members of the Association

3)    The objectives of the Association are:


a. To safeguard and promote the interests of plot holders

b. To co-operate with local authorities and other organisations for the benefit of all plot holders, which include effective communications between everyone

c.  To ensure the good management and cultivation of the site

d. To promote healthy gardening


4)    The committee will consist of:

  1. Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and at least 3 committee members. All committee members will be Association members.
  2. The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and the committee members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The committee will meet at least 5 times a year
  4. A committee meeting will be quorate with at least 5 members, 2 of whom will be officers
  5. The committee has the power to co-opt members to the committee


5)    An Annual General Meeting will be held each year, with at least 28 days notice being given. At the AGM reports will be submitted by the officers.

6)    The committee is empowered to open up a bank or other type of accounts in the name of the Wychbury Road Allotment Association. All cheques issued by the association will be signed by at least TWO signatories, determined by the Committee.

7)    Voting at all meetings will be by the show of hands, in the event of equal votes the Chairman will have the casting vote.

8)    On dissolution of the association any monies left, after all debts have been paid, will be given to a local charity. Dissolution of the Association will be agreed at an EGM with 66% majority of members.

9)    These rules were agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 25th January 2012. Proposed amendments to these rules can be made in writing with at least 14 days notification being given to the Annual General Meeting.


Roles of Officers and Committee


Chairman – is the representative of Allotment holders, responsible for running of meetings


Secretary – keeps records of committee meetings, have charge of record and books, acts as site secretary – liaising with city allotment officers, should be aware of all matters affecting the site, be responsible for rent collection (actual rent collection can be delegated with agreement of Committee) and ensure plot holders are kept informed of allotment issues.


Treasurer – keep record of financial transactions. Ensure financial accounts are correct and available for committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting. Act as a financial adviser in expenditure of Association funds.


Committee members – represent views of tenants on site and participate actively on site issues.


Auditors – will be appointed to verify the association accounts.