
Your parish councillors are:

Parish Councillors.

All Councillors are required to declare their pecuniary interests, which are available from the Braintree District Council website.

Follow this link for the relevant download.


Kitty   Kitty Bourlet  - Chair of the Parish Council 

My name is Kitty and I have lived in Toppesfield since 2020. I live here with my husband Jeremy and my two young children.  I work for my own company that supports businesses to work more efficiently, including developing their Leadership teams and driving healthier cultures. I am passionate about encouraging people to take part, enjoy what they do and feel part of a community. Outside work, I love to travel and plant as many flowers that I can!


Paula   Paula Edwards-Holmes   - Vice Chair

My name is Paula Edwards-Holmes and I live in Toppesfield with my husband Cliff.  We moved to Toppesfield 6 years ago in 2018.  Between us we have 5 children who are gradually flying the nest.  I work in London as Head of Data Science relating to medical research.  I also volunteer in the Toppesfield Village Store on a Saturday when I can.  


 Amanda    Amanda Smith - Councillor 

Amanda has lived in Toppesfield for 40 years and attended the village school.  She works at St Margaret’s school in the village and is an active member of the Friends of St Margaret’s School (‘FOSMS’). 

She is especially interested in the provision of sports facilities for children in Toppesfield and is working on the creation of a youth football team.


Frances    Frances Winter - Councillor

Frances has lived in Toppesfield since 1981. She has a career background in Chemistry having worked in both analytical industrial, research and academic areas.

Frances has been involved in a number of village committees, many as treasurer. She initiated the Parent  & Toddler group in the late 80s, was closely involved with playgroup, school association, and ran the village youth club. She is still actively involved as a trustee on the village hall committee as their Treasurer.

As a councillor she has a keen interest in the financial aspects, along with ecological and environmental issues, and is keen to work towards improving village amenities for all age groups.

She is interested in promoting the communication between the local organisations looking to improve relationships and work together for the benefit of the parish as a whole.


 Photo    Jeremy Graves - Councillor

I have lived in Toppesfield for a little over 3 years now.  I am married with 2 older children and 2 younger children.  Professionally, I am the Director of Operations for Ernst & Young UK Legal and Risk Management and, when not working and growing the family I enjoy classic cars, house restoration and renewable energy initiatives.  I have been so impressed with the Toppesfield community spirit and welcome the opportunity to help where I can.


Jane Daines - Councillor