
Parish News 2024

Tendring Parish Council News

As I sit and write this to you it seems as if the last throes of summer are being played out. Evenings are definitely drawing in and plants starting to prepare for autumn. Hopefully ,you have all had an enjoyable summer.

This month has been a relatively quiet month for the Parish Council as we took a well deserved break over August. Revitalised we are busy planning Christmas events and of course reviewing planning applications. Tendring Meadows Care home has put in an application to attach a wooden fence to their existing metal fence. This will have been debated at the September meeting so the timing of this publication does not allow me to update you until next month on this issue.

There are a number of public consultations live at the moment that residents can take part in. The  first of which is the survey of views on Careline. Careline provides a 24/7 service for residents as well as a lifting service. The consultation can be accessed through,picking up a form at the Council offices,www, or using QR code below.

Nominations are now open for the National honours-King's Awards for Enterprise and The King's Award for Voluntary Service. These awards not only acknowledge the achievements of individuals or groups but also inspire others to follow in their footsteps . More information available from

I have also been asked to remind residents about the availability of the  annual flu jab for those residents at higher risk and those that care for vulnerable individuals -more information available from

Reporting issues to Highways has always been a rather hit or miss affair. They have informed me of improvements to their reporting procedure which include the ability to report urgent issues online e.g. large potholes,fallen trees and blocked drains. There is also an option to let them know if an existing issue worsens. I would like to know if there is indeed an improvement and your experiences of this new improved site. 

Hopefully by the time you read this the roadworks at Horsley Cross will have been completed and we can look forward to less roadworks and diversions. I have contacted the contractors on this issue  and urged them to reduce the time for the construction of the new roundabout and also to address the issues of standing traffic just off the main roundabout. Unfortunately Essex Highways have sanctioned the operation of the works and deem them to be safe and following existing guidelines! This also falls outside our boundaries as Tendring Parish Council and is under the care of Mistley Parish Council.

Your Parish councillors have undertaken a weekly litter pick at Goose Green during the Summer. Lots of families have enjoyed this facility and I have had many people complementing us on the cleanliness and facilities available at this site. Thanks to the Councillors who gave up their time to ensure that we made the best of the play park. This weekend sees the biannual litter pick through the Village. Many thanks to Cllr Vicky Cauvain who organised this and the many residents who gave up a Sunday morning to ensure that the Village looks clean and smart .  It is really appreciated by many people that you took the time to help keep the litter at bay. I have reported a number of fly tipping incidents throughout the Village this month. Please be vigilant and if you see anyone fly tipping take their registration number or have footage from cameras to present to Tendring District Council for their investigators to act upon.

Just to update you on the Pylon and underground cabling issues- TDC at a full council meeting have unanimously voted in opposition to the scheme,stating that it could have 'a potentially devastation effect'. The leader of the Council Mark Stephenson was called upon to write to Secretary of State calling on him to re-examine the Norwich to Tilbury proposals and to instead look at offshore options. He has also been asked not to allow plans to proceed for the Tarchon Energy interconnector project,which will see a direct  high voltage link between Germany and the UK, due to fears over costs and the National interest. There will also be communications with Sir Bernard Jenkins (MP Harwich and North Essex) and Nigel Farage ( MP Clacton)  urging them to take all possible actions open to them to support the Council and local peoples objections. The Government will have the final decision. It is expected that plans will be submitted next year and ,if granted construction begins in 2027.

Many of you that use the Village hall will have noticed the large portrait of King Charles that we donated as a Parish Council. It is for me a reminder of the work he does to enhance the Community and the Environment.

Our next meeting is Monday 23rd September 2024 at the Village Hall 7.30pm

All are welcome to attend. The agenda will be posted on our site


Jill Brattan

Chair of Tendring Parish Council