St. Mary’s Church, Haynes – PCC Meeting


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 6th November at 7.45pm in The Stable


Present: Revd Dean Henley (Chair) Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Jenny Hayward (Churchwardens) Mrs Sally Cripsey, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mr Warren Foot, Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mrs Valerie Oertel, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Michael White


DH opened the meeting by reading Wilfrid Owen’s poem ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and with prayer


Apologies: Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Elisabeth Le Mesurier


The Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday 18th September and of the Extraordinary Meeting of Sunday 23rd September were signed as a correct record.


Matters arising from 18thSeptember:

Display of Silent Soldier  - Actioned. Now on green triangle. Thanks to BO and MW

Lych Gate – MW reported that we are waiting for the Quinquennial inspection to confirm with the architect that it all right for it to be removed.

Septic Tank – This has been emptied

Action on Guidance about Safeguarding and hire of halls This has been actioned. All policies on display in church. AA gives hirers a booking form making our Safeguarding policies explicit.

Risk Assessments for activities/events in church   AA has actioned.

Music Licence – JL renewed and paid for licence on 23/9/18 but has not received any paperwork. She will chase this up.    Action: JL

Christian Aid Co-ordinator We still have no co-ordinator. AA to put further notice in magazine.     Action:AA

Mission Giving 2018 – EW read out the following from NC: ‘Alan Morgan has stepped down. Jan Diffey has offered to join me and anyone else who will join us in determining the

recipients of the £2000 we have been authorised to allocate. I hope to arrange a meeting soon

and to have an allocation list before the end of November. Sue Playford, whilst not being able

to attend a meeting, is happy to continue to administer the Mission Giving by sending

cheques to the selected charities and forwarding any receipts and feedback she receives.

Sally Cripsey has asked that Autism Bedfordshire be considered for an allocation. If anyone

else would like to suggest a charity for our consideration would they please advise Jan or

myself.’ DH said that he would like St Mungo’s to be considered. JD to advise group of this

Signage to Church   JD advised still in progress

Ukulele Evening Sat 22nd Sept – EW read the following from NC ‘The evening was a success

With 77 tickets sold and £665 raised for St. Mary’s; a record for this event. As several members of both band and audience have difficulty with the September date, the 2019 Ukulele Evening will be held on Saturday 26th October. The Morning Praise service the following day was also a success, with 6 ukuleles and 2 woodwind instruments providing the music’ Nick and Connie were thanked for all their hard work

Concert in Church 13th Oct This was also a success with a good variety of music and excellent singers. £166 was raised from the evening. Chris Topley had been thanked.


Chairman’s Report:  DH clarified who could be classed as a vulnerable adult for our Safeguarding Policies. He said that although it was important that the church should have safeguarding policies, the church has to be a place where anyone is welcomed, and we must not be seen as excluding anyone.

DH, in response to a question by EW, said that he, the Rector, should be named on the policies as someone to be contacted, as well as Kathy Taylor, in cases of concern.

DH said that the Christmas Services are all organised. The Carol Service will be on Dec 23rd,

and Christopher Strong has kindly agreed to take the Christmas Day Service in Haynes.


Treasurer’s Report:

JL spoke to the accounts to date which she had previously circulated. She said that at present the accounts are fairly healthy, even after the £2000 allocation for Mission Giving. The Churchyard Grant from the Parish Council (£800) has been gratefully received, the money from Bike ‘n Hike has not yet been paid, and it is not clear yet what the Parish Share will be for next year.  JL was thanked for her clear and timely accounting


Renewal of Church Car Park Lease:

EW explained, that as members already knew, we had passed a resolution to renew the lease between RSSB and the PCC and the Diocesan Board of Finance in September. EW had sent  the lease to the Diocesan Office and had been told that before the Diocesan Board Members could sign it, they would need to have it examined by the Church Solicitors at a cost of approximately £360 + VAT. Shortly after this, the Estates Office said that we were now at liberty to have a lease between RSSB and the PCC without the Diocesan Board of Finance being a party to it. All PCC members agreed and Bridget Cuffolo had another lease drawn up by the solicitors of RSSB (at no cost to us) and it is this lease that is now being discussed. ALL members have had a copy of this lease, and there are no changes (apart from the removal of the Diocesan Board of Finance) and WF has examined it and is satisfied that it should be adopted.


DH proposed, JL seconded, and all were in agreement that

‘The PCC resolves to execute the Car Park Lease (Car park land adjacent to St. Mary’s Church, Haynes, Bedfordshire between the Trustees of Radha Soami Satsang Beas British Isles and The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Haynes’


The lease was duly signed by DH (Chair) and AA and JL and witnessed by WF.

EW to contact Bridget                                                                                   Action: EW


Messy Church Report: SC reported that the children had made things representing ‘Harvest’

at the October Messy Church, and had taken part in the church service, and tomorrow (Nov 7th) the theme will be ‘Remembrance’ with the children making poppies for the waterfall.


Precis of Minutes for the Parish Magazine: JD spoke to this, referred from the last meeting as AM had requested this. The Minutes are currently displayed promptly on the Church Noticeboard, and it was agreed that the Minutes be displayed on the Church Website and that there will be a link shown, directing people to the Church website at the beginning of the magazine.                  Action: AA  to put link in magazine and CW to put Minutes on website


Church Flower Fund: EW had been asked by a flower arranger whether there is a flower fund to help with the cost of flowers arranged for major festivals. AA said there is no specific fund apart from for Easter which currently has small surplus in it. JD and AA  said that the flower arrangers will get together to discuss the fund and get back to the person in question.

                                                                                                            Action:AA and JD

Stable Bookings: AA had previously circulated a request from a current hirer for a discount on the rent. The majority of members had thought there should be no discount but WF said that the PCC did not want to jeopardise future bookings and if we asked for payment in advance, with 6 week cancellation notice there should be a small reduction. This would mean for a 6 week booking for 5 hours a week at £7 per hour the charge would be £200 rather than £210. This was agreed unanimously                                               Action: AA to inform hirer

AA also said that she had been asked how often it was cleaned.  EW had already told AA she would be unable to check the cleanliness after every regular booking. EW will draw up rota of EW, AA, JH, and JL so that the Stable will be cleaned weekly but only once every 4 weeks by each of the above                                                                                              Action: EW


Carol Service: MW said that if all village organisations were to be represented in the Readings at the Carol Service, they should be asked soon.                       Action: AA  JH

EW said that she personally would prefer the readings to be from the King James Bible.

DH said that the version used was that used generally in churches


Fundraising and Future Events:

Christmas Bazaar – 15th December – JD requested helpers and cakes

Jumble Sale – possibility in early 2019

AA said David Parsons may arrange another Wildlife Evening


Correspondence: EW has circulated all correspondence electronically


AOB: none


DH closed the meeting with The Grace at 9.05pm