St. Mary’s Church, Haynes – PCC Meeting


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at 7.45pm in the Stable


DH welcomed members, and David Llewellyn, our architect, and opened the meeting with prayers for the world, the country, our parish, and for the meeting tonight.


David Llewellyn spoke about the Quinquennial Report (all members had an electronic copy)

He said that in general the church is in a good condition and there is little work that it is essential to complete immediately. It would be prudent to have a plan of works to carry out as and when funds allow. The main problem is with damp, but he said this was not damaging the structure of the building, rather the internal decoration. This should be attacked at source, and although a battered trench had been planned in the past and the costs had escalated, simply to dig around the church to a depth of approximately 6 inches would improve the breathability of the fabric – together with clearing any undergrowth. The PCC to discuss this further in future meetings. There was only one item requiring immediate attention (No 1) – Nellie Rault’s grave – and this is outlined below.

MW said that there was a hole left where piping/wiring goes from Boiler House into the church. Fumes from the boiler house are passing into the church. DL said this should be filled in by a mason at some point but as a temporary measure expandable foam, for example, could be used.                               Action: MW


David Llewellyn was thanked for his time, explanation and comprehensive report – he left the meeting at 8pm


Present: Revd Dean Henley (Chair), Ann Adams, Jennifer Hayward (Churchwardens), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Jan Diffey, Warren Foot, Amy Johnston, Elizabeth White, Mike White

Apologies: Elisabeth Le Mesurier, Valerie Oertel, Carol Watts, Julie Longbottom


The Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday 28th May 2019 were signed as a correct record.


Matters arising:

Electricity Smartmeter: JL not present to comment – but DH thought mobile signal would not be strong enough and if suppliers changed the meter would not work. It was decided not to pursue this further.

Rose Bush in memory of Jean Limbrey’s daughter: NC said that he and Connie are aware that this is to be planted close to the rose bush in memory of Jean Limbrey

Nellie Rault’s grave – War Graves Commission MW said that this was identified in the Quinquennial Report as being dangerous and requiring immediate attention – the cross on the top was very loose. It is a War Grave but the family are responsible for the upkeep. MW had been in correspondence with the War Graves Commission – the cross has now been made safe by being laid on top of the grave and the writing is legible so it complies with the requirements of the WGC. MW had, at the same time, received an e-mail from a Marcus Webb, suggesting that the grave could be properly restored perhaps by fund raising.

The PCC decided that this was not possible at present.

WF said that if money was no object, would the PCC be happy for this to be properly restored to honour Nellie Rault’s war service? This was agreed and WF suggested that Brian Oertel should be approached to ascertain whether this was something the British Legion might be prepared to do.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Action: AJ to ask BO


Fumes from the Boiler House: Dealt with above


Chairman’s Report: DH said that all the PCC are now aware that he will be retiring at the end of September (last service Benefice Service on 29th September) to care for his mother and father – although his official retirement date is November 9th. The Churchwardens will make all decisions during the Interregnum. The Archdeacon has confirmed that 2 clergy posts will need to go in the Deanery (see CW’s Deanery Report) and it could take up to 2 years to fill a vacancy. There can be no change to the pattern of services during an Interregnum, and if the pattern were to change DH would have to agree this before his retirement. There will be a challenge to provide cover for services in the Interregnum.

The start of the Deanery Plan consultation is a meeting for all priests and Churchwardens on 23rd July. There was a detailed discussion and DH urged the PCC to make their views known so they could be expressed strongly at the meeting on July 23rd.

The agreed views of all the PCC present as follows:


The Benefice of Campton, Clophill and Haynes to stay together as Haynes congregation feels very much part of the Benefice


Our hope is to maintain as much of the present pattern of services as possible but we must adapt to the changing situation


Plan for one communion service at least every month in each parish and one combined Benefice Communion Service each month. To worship as a Benefice more frequently


Not to put pressure on Christopher Strong or the Readers or Lay Leaders of Worship to lead too many services – to protect them – and to contact other clergy to lead worship


To communicate with the village about the changes that DH’s retirement will inevitably entail – article in Parish Magazine from the Churchwardens?


WF wanted to know the plans for the future of worship at St Mary’s. He said we should know what services will happen, and when communion would happen and that our views should be strongly expressed in the meeting on July 23rd.


DH also said that our Safeguarding policies and details of contacts should be clearly displayed. EW said that this has been done in the church and in the Stable. DH will put the same poster in the Mission Hall.                                                                                                                                                        Action: DH

EW said she strongly objected to the authoritarian and strident words and tones in these instructions when we are all doing our best to observe policies and prevent abuse.


Churchwardens’ Report: No report


Treasurer’s Report: JL had previously circulated half yearly accounts to 30th June 2019 and the copy of her report is:


As you will see from the accounts, we have a small surplus at the half year point of £2523 on the general fund. This is before fundraising income has come in for the summer fete and church teas. I have received all the money in now for the 2018 adverts in the Parish magazine and about 42% of the 2019 income has been received. As you will see from the accounts, we have a small surplus at the half year point of £2523 on the general fund. This is before fundraising income has come in for the summer fete and church teas. I have received all the money in now for the 2018 adverts in the Parish magazine and about 42% of the 2019 income has been received.


JL was thanked in her absence for her clear accounts


Messy Church: No report as no sessions. Will resume in September


Deanery Synod Report: CW had given her apologies but had previously sent this report of the last Deanery Synod meeting:


The Archdeacon of Bedford, Dave Middlebrook attended to give a talk on how he sees the future of the Church.  He will be attempting to walk around the parishes between 12th to 14th August visiting all the churches and he hopes that parishioners will join him.


The Lambeth Conference takes place in July 2020 and Bishops will be attending from across the world, one will be staying with the Rural Dean for a few days before hand and will be preaching at Maulden on the Sunday.


The Deanery Plan consultation is being led by Sam Cappleman and starts with a meeting for Priests and Churchwardens on 23rd July.  The Arch Deacon confirmed that 2 Priests would need to go, which rather pre-empts the results of the consultation in my view.   It takes on average 9 months to fill a vacancy and redundancy hasn’t been ruled out.


Dates for Confirmation services

               Thursday 3rd October (Maulden)

               Weds 30th October (Woburn Sands)

               Thursday 7th May 2020 (Woburn)

               Weds 7th October 2020 (Harlington)


Revised Mission Action Plan Form – August 2019

EW said there was a revised MAP form to complete and had printed a copy.

AA offered to complete this.                                                                           Action: AA


Faculty Application for reservation of grave space: DH said that he wished to reserve a grave space in St. Mary’s Churchyard and asked the PCC to table a Resolution

MW proposed and WF seconded the following Resolution:


‘The PCC supports the application from the Rector, the Revd Dean Henley, to reserve a grave space in the churchyard of St Mary’s, Haynes, as per his application’

This was passed unanimously.


Display of Safeguarding materials and posters: Covered under Chairman’s Report above


Access road to church – safety and signage

Following a recent accident at the entrance to the church access road, AA is to write a report to the Parish Council to see if the size of the triangle could be reduced as there is insufficient clearance at present to enable large vehicles to turn right out of the left-hand side of the road.

JD said that PD is redoing the KEEP LEFT sign for the end of the road. The recent accident involved someone turning right (out of the right-hand side of the triangle) and the car was hit by a van coming from the direction of the A6.

Christian Aid Collection 2020 After discussion, and outlining all the reasons discussed at previous meetings, it was agreed not to hold a Christian Aid House to House collection in 2020.


Bishop’s Harvest Appeal 2019 – Light up Tanzania

EW displayed a big pack she had received about this appeal. DH said that it was being operated through Tearfund about which he had misgivings. After discussion it was agreed to give to Christian Aid as our charity this Harvest.


SC said that it had been agreed at a Second Sunday meeting that the traditional Harvest Festival Service will be on October 13th, and the Praise and Thanksgiving Service will be on 6th October


Magazine Subscriptions for Advertisers

EW had received the following request from Brian Oertel;


When I collected the £10 subscriptions, I was asked by one person why did she have to pay £10 as she had already paid £55 for an advertisement in the Parish Magazine and she is a one-person business unlikely to get the £55 back from customers. I have not collected £10 from her but gave her the July/August Magazine anyway. I think she has a point as you cannot compare her one-person nail business with some of the other larger businesses who advertise and no doubt do well by advertising in the Parish Magazine.


After a brief discussion it was agreed by all that she should pay her subscription – there should be no exceptions


Church Barbecue/ Social event: EW had also received the following very kind invitation from Brian and Valerie Oertel

Valerie and I would like to organise a Church barbecue/social function in August which we are happy to have in our garden. We are free from the 16th August onwards and a suitable day could be decided on. We would suggest attendees brought their own meat and drink. We hope this will get everyone together for a pleasant social occasion and also if Dean was present it could be a way of people relaxing with him before he finally leaves us.

The PCC thought this was a lovely idea, and AJ to contact BO and VO for some suggestions of dates.                                             Action: AJ to contact BO


Fundraising and Future Events;

Haynes Summer Fair: £220.60p had been raised on the Church Stall

Church Teas: The first two teas of the summer had each raised in excess of £300

Ukulele evening 26th October

Ceilidh 7th March 2020


Correspondence: Everything has been circulated electronically


AOB: JD said some historic tiles are missing from the floor in the Lady Chapel – do we have the tiles? AA to investigate                                                                   Action: AA


EW said she and MW are returning from Bristol on the day of the next PCC Meeting

Tuesday 10th September. They may be late and WF offered to start taking the Minutes.


The meeting closed with The Grace at 10.00pm