St. Mary’s Church, Haynes – PCC Meeting
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 7.45pm in The Stable
Present: Revd Dean Henley(Chair), Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Jennifer Hayward, (Churchwardens), Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mr Warren Foot, Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mrs Valerie Oertel, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Michael White
DH opened the meeting with prayer
Apologies: Mrs Elisabeth Le Mesurier, Mrs Sally Cripsey
The Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday 6th November were signed as a correct record.
Matters arising:
Christian Aid Co-ordinator – AA reported that she and Sarah Lomax will do the role together.
AA was thanked for taking on this important role with Sarah.
Mission Giving – separate agenda item.
Church Car Park Lease EW reported that this is now completed, signed by both parties and the copy is in the church safe. Date for next renewal is 2023.
Church Flower Fund – JD reported that this is to be built up from donations from tea and coffee after the service. It was agreed to have a donation bowl on the table at the back.
Church Website and Minutes of PCC Meetings EW thanked CW for keeping the website so up to date, as well as putting details on Facebook. Photographs and prayers are put on the website promptly, as are all policies and PCC Minutes and the website is interesting and appealing. The website address is now in the Parish Magazine for easy access. As CW has put on a photo of the Crib Figures, JD formally thanked MW for his work on their restoration and painting.
Stable Bookings: AA reported that we have now lost our one regular booking for a variety of reasons including vandalism of cars. EW suggested that in future AA, as Booking Officer, should have some discretion about charges for regular bookings.
Chairman’s Report: DH reminded members that there is to be a complete revision of the Electoral Roll this year, 2019. He said that we do not want to canvass for people as the Roll should be made of church members and our Parish Share contribution is calculated partly through Electoral Roll numbers. EW has ordered forms and she will liaise with Rachel O’Connor (Electoral Roll Officer). Action: EW
DH said that the Good Friday Service this year is to be at Clophill, and Haynes will have the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. There is to be no Agape Supper this year.
DH reported that there is soon likely to be a number of clergy redundancies within the Diocese and Deanery which will result in pastoral reorganisation. He stated that it was important that we fill the second space on Deanery Synod (E le M is our first member) to ensure we can influence any decisions. Members to consider this before the APCM. Action: All
Churchwardens’ Report: JH stated that we have not heard from David Llewellyn, the Architect – the Quinquennial inspection was carried out on November 12th- she will follow this up. DH said that part of his service should be that he will attend the next PCC meeting to give a report – JH to ask him to attend the PCC Meeting on March 12th. Action: JH
Treasurer’s Report: JL spoke to the Draft Accounts which had been previously circulated.
She stated that the 2018 accounts would be ready for auditing when she has received the statement of the Endowment Funds.
MW had asked JL if the Churchyard Account could be shown on the accounts as a separate cumulative account – the Parish Council had just agreed a £1000 Churchyard Maintenance Grant for 2019) so that when the major items of machinery need to be replaced it will be clear that the Churchyard fund has the necessary monies. JL confirmed that there will be a designated Churchyard Maintenance Fund.
WF asked why the magazine income from adverts was down – some still need chasing.
MW commented that overall giving is down on 2017.
JL was thanked by all for all her hard work with the accounts, especially her accounts to date at each PCC meeting.
Review of Christmas Services: EW commented on how lovely all the Christmas Services had been. The Carol Service was beautiful and very well attended, the Crib Service was packed, possibly about 180 people, 60 of whom were children and the service was taken very well by Sally Cripsey, as had been the Christingle Service. In both of these ‘children’s services’ there had been a beautiful moment of quiet when all the children had sung ’Away in a Manger’ by candlelight. SC thanked in her absence. The Christmas Day Service was also a small but moving Service, taken by Christopher Strong. Midnight Mass – the numbers were slightly down. A cheque for £162.27 was sent to The Children’s Society from the Christingle Service collection and £263.65 was sent to Keech Hospice from the Crib Service.
AA also thanked all the ladies who had decorated the church so beautifully for Christmas, lovely floral displays and the Christmas tree.
JD commented that there had been some confusion about where the Crib Figures should be placed. They were displayed in the Carteret Tomb but JD asked if next year there could be more artistry- straw, stable? AA offered to make a stable. Action: JD,AA
Complete Revision of Electoral Roll: covered under Chairman’s Report above.
Rose Bush in memory of Jean Limbrey: DH said that the family of Jean Limbrey had asked if they could plant a Rose Bush in the churchyard in memory of Jean Limbrey. He said that, although not regular practice, he recommended that we agree as Jean was such a long standing member of St. Mary’s. All agreed. NC and MW suggested it could be in one of the two areas Connie Cullum tends in the churchyard. Action: DH to inform family, NC/MW to advise re position.
Smartwater Renewal: DH explained that this is painted on the lead of the church so it can be readily identifiable(it is unique to the location) if stolen, but it has to be done every 5 years to comply with insurance and it is now overdue for renewal. MW’s concern was application on the roof – PCC members are considerably older now than at the last application. It was agreed that AA should contact Mr Kinns and NC will ask Steve Collin for advice. Action AA and NC
Electricity Smart Meters: EW said that Sue Oliver had asked her if this could be put on the agenda. Sue visits the church every month to read the Church Meter and the Stable Meter and the Electricity company had suggested Smart Meters. There was some discussion about whether there would be a sufficient signal at the church for smart meters to operate. JL said that they are not necessarily transferable between companies if we changed suppliers. However, JL will investigate their installation but members offered to read the meters if it was not possible. Action:JL
Mission Giving 2018: NC explained that he and JD had met to decide on the distribution of the £2000 to Mission Giving. He explained that we try to break this down into local charities, home charities, international charities, Christian charities and secular charities and we try to keep the charities for 3 years to provide some continuity.
The chosen charities for 2018 (£200 to each charity) are:
Emmaus Village, Carlton
Keech Hospice Care
Refugee Action
St. Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy
Sue Ryder Care – St. John’s Hospice
Tools with a Mission (TWAM)
Embrace the Middle East
Autism Bedfordshire
East Anglia Air Ambulance
MacMillan Cancer Support
EW said that DH had suggested St.Mungo’s for consideration at the last PCC and E Le M had given her some information on the charity after reading the Minutes of the last meeting.
NC said that St. Mungo’s and Dementia Alliance will be considered for contributions next year. NC and JD were thanked for all their deliberations.
Car Park Security: MW said that in view of the recent vandalism to cars in the car park, the number of dubious items found in the car park, evidence of drugs and recent crime in the area, he believed that we should reconsider installing CCTV in the car park. JD said that she and Phil had found 3 number plates in the car park and had contacted the police.
DH said that although he was not in great favour of CCTV, but, in view of the above, he realised it might be necessary.
AA suggested we contact Kevin Gourlay for advice. WF suggested that we put up CCTV signs. He also commented that we may need to notify Haynes Park under the terms of the lease. It was suggested that Haynes Park may be able to advise us as they have great experience of security and the car park adjoins their property with a huge hedge.
The following decisions were made: AA to contact Kevin Goulaty, EW to contact Bridget Cuffolo (Haynes Park ) re advice and action, NC to contact Steve Collin
Action: AA,EW, NC
Lectern Step: AA and NC said that the present movable step had caused problems. People are unsure whether to stand on it, or behind it and it feels unstable. Christopher Strong nearly fell on Christmas Day. Action is required. The old fixed step had been removed because it had been difficult for the choir processing. NC discussed a new permanent lectern (in position where Intercessions are read) DH said it would need to be of a good quality, it would need to fit in with other church items and a faculty would be needed. This discounted as an option,and NC to investigate a new semi permanent safer structure as a step/platform Action:NC
PA System: NC said that the amplification in church has been causing problems recently.
There has been a lot of feedback from the Intercessions microphone and the system needs updating. DH said that an anomynous benefactor in the village has generously offered to pay for a new modern PA system with a loop. This will require a faculty. DH said that the Diocese will have a specialist to advise. NC agreed to investigate. Action: NC
Fundraising and Future Events:
Ceilidh – 2nd March
AA said she wanted to arrange a Jumble Sale for 13th April – DH said this was during Lent
David Parsons has agreed to give another Wildlife Talk
Church Teas 2019 – EW to ask Gill and Alan if they are prepared to organise teas again this year. Action: EW
Bike ‘n Hike – Saturday 14th September – same day as Working Parties
AOB: AA said that she wanted to thank everyone in the church for their thoughts, prayers, messages and love during John’s last illness and she wanted to give special thanks to Dean for his care and support to her in so many ways but especially in coming straight from the airport to the hospital to be with her at night. She was also very grateful for the support of Nicola, the Hospital Chaplain, who had visited Jon twice a day.
DH thanked AA and said that the PCC should offer their appreciation to Ann on having been nominated by the Bishop to receive the Maundy Thursday money from Her Majesty The Queen at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Ann has asked Dean to accompany her and the PCC gave formal appreciation to Ann on receiving this honour
JD said that she had followed up her request with Central Bedfordshire about a signpost to the church. She was extremely annoyed as she had been told the case was closed without any consultation. She was told that the church was not of significant interest to warrant a brown sign. She will follow this up!
The meeting closed with The Grace at 9.20pm
Next Meeting – Tuesday 12th March 2019
APCM- Tuesday 23rd April 2019