The Wellbeing Journey is a new series to help churches and communities address key challenges in these times. Local churches are in a unique place to lead communities on this holistic journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

What is The Wellbeing Journey?


You are invited to join The Wellbeing Journey, an 8-week course.

Hosted by: St James Church Westhead
Start date: Tuesday, 16th February
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Online: Zoom ID: 864 8169 5423 Passcode: 391920

Alternatively, you can join:

St. Michael’s, Aughton, (Teams) Wednesday 17 February 7.30pm
St. Michael’s, Aughton, (Teams) Thursday 18 February 2.00pm Sign details for St. Michaels
Christ Church Aughton (Zoom) Monday 15 February 7.30pm
Christ Church Aughton (Zoom) Wednesday 17 February 2.00pm