Working towards a wildlife-friendly, zero-waste, greener Kingston - and world -

one step at a time.




Meadow flowers   


      Kingston park 


OUR VISION is of a greener, zero-waste Kingston, and an end to our throw-away life-styles, leading the way to a zero-waste, more wildlife-friendly and sustainable UK and world. We suggest that other local environmental groups that would like to share concerns with each other and relevant Council officers join Kingston Environment Forum.Kingston Environment Forum logo

OUR MISSION is to work with others towards that, one step at a time. This website is currently mainly a library of useful resources for groups we work with.

On local green spaces and wildlife, the first steps would be protecting and conserving what we have, including mature trees, and recognising the value of making space for nature and cultivating pollinator-friendly plants. The next step would be working with other local environmental groups, the council and the wider community to join up the large green spaces on the edges of Kingston to make wildlife corridors - good for people, wildlife and the planet. See also our "Living Landscapes" section and  Kingston Biodiversity Network

On waste, we have begun to achieve the first steps: taking our own bags whenever we go shopping, a few plastic-bag-free and refill shops and a national 5p charge for bags. Next steps would move us closer to a zero-waste society - with more recycling, less throwaway packaging and fewer disposable (non-recyclable) cups and plastic bottles...We hate waste of other kinds too so we campaign and work towards less litter, more re-use and upcycling of materials, more use of unused growing spaces in Kingston... Repair Cafe Kingston, which started in February 2023, is another useful step towards reducing waste in Kingston.

bags in river thames 


Typical plastic litter in the Thames





Damage to ocean wildlife


Litter bin by the river 


Typical plastic litter around Kingston


bag in fence


Typical plastic litter around Kingston


HIGHLY COMMENDED GREEN CHAMPION, GREEN GUARDIAN AWARDS 2009: Greener Kingston founder and co-ordinator Marilyn Mason won a Highly Commended certificate and an apple tree at the Green Guardian awards ceremony at the Rose Theatre in January 2010. Photo here.

COMMENDED GREEN PROJECT, GREEN GUARDIAN AWARDS 2008: As Towards a Plastic-Bag-Free Kingston (our previous name), we were commended in the 2008 Green Guardian Awards.  

UNLTD AWARD, 2008: We had an award and other support from UnLtd to help us start up and enable the printing of awareness-raising resources.

AFFILIATIONS: Greener Kingston is a supporter of Transition Town Kingston and Kingston Biodiversity Network, and is affiliated to Greener Upon Thames, the London anti-plastic-bag campaign that began in the neighbouring borough of Richmond. We also support Save the World Club and Kingston Environment Forum.

NEWS: To keep up with all the green activities and groups in Kingston, sign up to the monthly e-newsletter Kingston Environment News here. 

Greener-upon-Thames logo

  UnLtd logo


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