Fill in the form to Register your entry into the 2022 scarecrow show - you will receive a registration number in return (if you do not receive this in 48 hours then please let us know by email to

As part of your entry you will need to take photographs of your entry which must be in your garden and not in a public place (due to the government restrictions) You then need to send them to us with your registration number in the Subject line to, by doing this you give us permission to enter your scarecrow into the website and to use your photos on this website and on social media as part of promoting the event. 


1. Anyone is welcome to enter the scarecrow show. However, only scarecrows displayed within the Galleywood Parish boundaries would qualify for entry on the website.

2. Entrants must submit a completed registration form and have their scarecrow(s) on display by the required time and supply photos in order to appear on the map.

Click here to Register using the online form

You will receive a Registration number in a confirming email when we receive your registration.

Then get your scarecrow ready....

3. Entrants must submit a photograph of their scarecrow (details below).

Email you photo(s) To: after the start date (27th May 2022)

The Email "subject" must include <Your reg number> and <Your house number/name, street, Postcode)

4. Scarecrows must be a minimum height of one metre.

5. All scarecrows must be built from scratch by the entrant (no commercial creations e.g. mannequins allowed).

6. Creativity and originality – we are looking for scarecrows with that little bit extra; it may be the materials used, the way the scarecrow has been made, how the scarecrow is displayed, or simply a fantastic idea that catches the judges’ eyes.

7. You can use any materials you like to build your scarecrow; there are no restrictions – with just one exception: pre-moulded or commercially available costumes and face masks ARE NOT permitted.

8. All Scarecrows must be made and displayed in good taste. They should not be frightening.

9. Any entrant displaying a scarecrow which is deemed by the panel to cause offence will be disqualified.

10. All scarecrows must be displayed on your property and should be positioned so it is unnecessary for anyone to access your property in order to view them. They must also be secured in a manner that they will not blow away and will not otherwise be a danger or cause injury to anyone. Galleywood Festival Committee will not be held responsible for any damage to individuals or third-party property caused by the creation or insecurity of scarecrows. Property owners are held solely responsible for the safety and security of the scarecrow(s)

11. Finally… The most important rule: Make sure you enjoy yourselves and stay safe!


  • Only scarecrows registered in time will be considered for inclusion on the website.
  • The interpretation of these rules and any decisions made by the panel are absolutely final.
  • The rules are subject to change at any time (without notice).
  • By entering the scarecrow, you confirm that you accept these rules.