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Hi there, my name is Maria Field & I have been teaching many firms of Dance for over 20 years. I was first introduced to Disco Dancing at the age of eight. My parents took me Disco Dancing because they were worried about me being so shy, well that soon changed! I then went onto learning Ballroom & Latin & was competing in lots of championships & absolutely loving it! I also enrolled in a stage school called Betty Finches & performed on stage with tap, ballet & modern jazz numbers. I have met so many wonderful people through Dance. I have taught Line Dancing for 24 years. Dancing is fun, fitness & it lifts our spirits. I teach Zumba at the Galleywood Heritage Centre on Wednesday evenings & Strictly Solo Dance classes in Danbury. I am happy that you have found me at the Galleywood Festival where you can join me for Zumba & Strictly Solo classes every day from 10:30 below:

 If there is video content missing here it is due to a technical issue with youtube our video storage partner - we hope to have this resolved shortly..


 You can find Maria on Facebook here