St Michaels - ChurchFor nearly 150 years, Christians have been meeting to worship God in our beautiful church building, in the peaceful setting of Galleywood Common.

The foundation stone for this 14th century-style building was laid by Authur Pryor of Hylands House on 21st June 1872, who also paid for the project (the total cost was £6,300). He also presented a fine peal of eight bells, the sound of which can normally be heard across the village on Sunday mornings, special occasions,t and on Monday evenings when the bell-ringers practice. The building was designed by Piers St Aubyn.

The building was consecrated by the Bishop of Rochester on Michaelmas Day, 29th September 1873, in the presence of 750 people who had gathered together from the surrounding parishes. The eclisiastical parish of Galleywood Common was formed by Order in Council on 20th October 1874.

The church was built inside a horse-racing course, which is unique in the country (as far as we know). It was originally built as a house of prayer against gambling, but these days it is a house of prayer for our community and wider world.

St Michaels - CandleSt Michaels and All Angels is a family-friendly church, where everyone is welcome and valued, and can find a place to call "home". We are a sssshhhh-free church, so we especially welcome children – we’re not too bothered if they make a bit of noise! We are an informal church, so we’re relaxed if people turn up late, or if they are not sure what to do. We are a Jesus-centred church, so we seek to base our lives on Jesus' teaching, life, death, resurrection and ascension. We are a biblical church, so we value Bible teaching and reflection. We are a prayerful church, which continually holds up its members and its community to God in prayer. We are a loving church, which is involved in various projects in our local community here in Galleywood (such as Make Lunch, Friendship+, Inform Galleywood, involvement with schools and nurseries, and Messy Church)

All of this is summed up in our vision prayer: “Jesus, teach us all to love”.

For more information, please contact our Vicar, Revd David Cattle on 01245 265250 or


Bible stories, for the Galleywood Festival read by members of the St Michaels and All Angels church:

  • Sunday 14th June: The risen Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)

  • Thursday 11th June: Jesus raises Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

  • Tuesday 9th June: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42)

  • Monday 8th June: Jesus is crucified (Mark 15:25-41)

  • Sunday 7th June: Jesus heals many people (Matthew 8:1-17)

  • Saturday 6th June: Jesus feeds the 5,000 (John 6:1-14)


St Michaels and All Angels website can be found here

St Michaels and All Angels Website

St Michaels and All Angels Facebook Page can be found here

St Michaels and All Angels Facebook