Whist in the lockdown period during a sunny 10 days, Galleywood resident Tony Cruse took a collection of household portraits to catalogue a point in time. Using his allotted exercise time and observing social distancing, he brought his Leica camera to various households in Keene Way and Lyon Close took a snap and had a chat. This was a ‘just for fun’ local project, not for profit and no names needed. Tony is hoping to present the actual photographs at a local display later in the year.
About Tony Cruse
Galleywood resident Tony Cruse runs Galleywoofers Dog Training Club. Tony is also a camera enthusiast is often out and about this is manual Leica M9 camera. He has had his images published in the Guardian newspaper and carried out photo shoots for Your Dog Magazine who he also writes for.
Tony is also the co-creator and co-admin of the ‘We’re from Galleywood’ Facebook page and runs the ‘Focus on Galleywood’ camera page on Facebook.
You can follow Tony’s images on Instagram…
Thanks to all who took part in Keene Way and Lyon Close. Keep smiling and stay safe
Here are the results…