Over many years Galleywood,  in common with many towns and villages, had an annual carnival, based around a procession of floats and procession of carnival queens followed by events on private land adjacent to The Common. As with many such celebrations, this reduced over some years and eventually died out and for many years there was no such annual celebration. 

1983 Carnival - Parade


1983 Carnival - Games and Dancing


1983 Carnival - Cups and Prises

A survey of all residents undertaken as part of the Parish Plan in 2011 identified an annual celebratory event as something the village wanted and would support. Based on this, the Parish Council inspired a group of people to organise such an event in 2012. Based on a ‘Celebration of the Village’ as part of the Queen’s Jubilee Celebration and build up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this took place on 2nd June 2012.  There was a Jubilee Parade from Jubilee Park to The Common involving local schools, marching bands, dance troupes and sports participants who then took part in the Galleywood Common Event including fun sports, egg and spoon racing, Helicopter rides, classic cars and many other attractions.  It was a great success.

Galleywood Village Celebration (GVC) 2012


In 2015 the festival celebrated Life in the Village with a Cantata commissioned for the event which laid out the history of the Villiage in a lively Concert performance held in St Michaels Church Galleywood.

 2015 Festival Cantata - Galleywood - Encore


2016 Wellcomed the Male Voice Choir in a concert in the Chruch

2016 Festival - Choir


2016 Festival - Picnic in the Garden

Gathered in the grounds of the Heritage Centre - Picnic in the Garden was a great success.


2017 Listening Bench


2019 Scarecrows

Launched for the first time in 2019 with a huge take up the scarecrow competition spread from street to street rapidly.