Christine WhybroDaily interviews with Christine Whybro Potter (née Whybro)

Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947 in a series of recorded interviews broadcast each day at 8am.

The Interviews were recorded in May-August 2017 as part of the Galleywood Historical Society Oral History Project. 

Written in 1975 her dissertation on Galleywood eventually became a book in 1996 entitled: "19th Century Galleywood: A study of a Rural Hamlet." A copy is held in the Galleywood Library.

Documents relating to Pyms Farm, Skinners Farm, Bearmans Farm and Cannon-Leys Farm, were formerly held by the Chaplin brothers, have now been deposited in the Essex Record Office for safe keeping.


Chris and Les 1953Christine Whybro: - I was born in the April of 1947 and was brought up along with my brother Leslie (born in 1949) at Laurel Cottage, Stock Road. My parents Denis and Daphne Whybro (nee King) came from families that had long settled in the area. My family history indicates that both sides worked mainly in agriculture. The Whybro family in the past seemed to be tied in with Lord Petre at Ingatestone Hall.

Laurel Cottage was an Essex Weatherboard house which had been two cottages. There were no foundations, two staircases and two wells. My mother had been born at number 2 Galley End in 1918 and her father bought Laurel Cottage in 1932.

Like my mother, I attended the old Church of England Primary School at the Eagle Pub crossroads and was taught mainly by retired Missionaries. I then went to Sandon Secondary Modern, leaving there in 1963 to train as a Telephonist. After various jobs (JW Coward and then Marconi) I went back to Dovedale and got my O Levels. Following this I then went on to teacher training. The only job I was able to get at the time was in Colchester, where I have lived for the last 40 years. I taught History until I retired but my main interest has always been the social aspects of history.

Galleywood was my first love. I love the common, the fields and many of the people who lived there. I have collected over the years, as many photos and recollections as possible and when the Parish Council acquired the Heritage Centre site it was an ideal opportunity to continue researching the area. My brother and I did walk and talks to encourage people to take an interest in Galleywood with improvements in technology and social media we have tried to carry this on.

Although in my 70s now I still visit the village regularly and still carry on collecting materials. Other projects such as the Oral History Project, Galleywood Historical Society and volunteers at the Heritage Centre carry on the good work.


 1. Saturday 6th June 2020 08:00 Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947 Part 1

Farms 1 - Chaplins, Bearmans Farm, Pyms Farm and Leylands Acres, Mildmays, the Petres and Gonsons, Skinners, Cannon-Leys farm. Seabrights, Marven’s brickworks, Spots farm.


 2. Sunday 7th June 2020 08:00 Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947 Part 2

Farms 2 - Ponds Farm, Monte Ray, Galley Hall, milk rounds, bricks, Lower mill, Goat Hall and the vicarage.

 3. Monday 8th June 2020 08:00 Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947 Part 1

Families, Whybros, NHS, support for the poor

 4. Tuesday 9th June 2020 08:00 Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947 Part 2

Families 2 - Dennis Whybro, paper rounds, evacuees, rabbits, Laurel Cottage, Marconi, retirement.

 5. Wednesday 10th June 2020 08:00 Christine talks about life in Galleywood from 1947

Running mare, Goulds, Gisby, Gardens chickens, allotments, Kings, The police, Rouse cottage, 


The recordings will remain online until the end of the festival

The Festival Committee thanks the Galleywood Historical Society for access to the recordings and in particular to Christine Whybro Potter for offering them up as part of the Galleywood Festival 2020. If you have any questions then please email via