Culture Healing Communities CIC is a social enterprise in Durham, now also working with Newcastle communities, specialised in Community Heritage and Heritage at Risk, helping bringing people together by creating community projects based in culture, art history and heritage.
We actively use heritage to tackle social exclusion, mental health issues, isolation, loneliness, discrimination, racism, poverty, diversity or disability and help people feel proud about their heritage, art, culture and identity, through stories, oral memories, objects, buildings and traditions.
Our projects related to community heritage, heritage at risk, environment, conservation, gardening and culture are carefully researched and tailored to offer the best solutions for each case.
We help communities recovering disused and abandoned churches and cemeteries, schools with heritage projects and organisations that want to explore how heritage can benefit their communities.
We work with war memorials, research of documents and photographs, oral memory projects, storytelling, recording the stories of ordinary people.
We work with individuals, schools, organisations, groups, councils and parishes, and especially with BAME groups and their rich heritage.
If you have a community centre or group, a church or an organisation that would like to grow, to have more community projects or to develop an area to help more individuals, we are the right partners to help you to do it.
Get in touch, send us an email to, we are here to help you with your idea or concept!