AGM minutes 2019
Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Clacton Debating Society
Held at Imperial House , Clacton on Sea on Wednesday 3rd July 2019
The Chairman, Derek Cheek presided. Thirteen people were present in total.
The minutes of the 2018 AGM were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising not covered by the Officer's Reports.
Chairman’s Report:
Derek Cheek thanked all of the people who have helped to make the Debating Society such a success over the past year. He gave special thanks to the tea ladies and the small band of washer uppers led by Maria Skage and Mary Proctor.
This report was accepted with thanks.
Treasurers Report:
Jean Cheek presented the Society's accounts for 2018-2019. There is currently £617.15 in the Building Society account and at the current rate of overspending the Debating Society can only survive 10 more years. 16 people paying £2 each month are needed just to cover the rent so she asked that everyone publicise the club and bring in new members to help ensure the club's continuance.
Also, the Officers have decided with regret, to ask for voluntary contributions towards the refreshments.
Members were invited to peruse the financial records within the break if they so wished.
This report was accepted with thanks and without comment from the floor.
Secretary’s Report:
The Society has met monthly over the past year and there have been a variety of interesting debates and question panels within the programme. Attendance has varied from 14 to 21 with an attendance average of 16, down from 18 last year. Attendance figures do not appear to demonstrate a preference for any particular type of debate or speaker although the Christmas Balloon Debate was the most popular.
Debate reports are submitted each month for inclusion in the Community News section of the local newspaper and they are also placed on our website. AGM Reports are now also placed on the website and visits to the domain remain fairly constant. The Society's Facebook page has been closed and does not appear to have been missed.
In accordance with data protection emails are blind copied to multiple recipients and contact details are deleted after a year's non attendance. Also if any members do not wish their details to be recorded they will be immediately removed upon request.
Lorry Greenall said she had been Secretary to the Society for 8 years and gave notice that she would be stepping down from the position at the July AGM in 2021 as she felt fresh input was vital to the Society's continuance. Lorry stated that the role does not have to be carried out in the same way and could probably be divided into several more manageable functions.She will be happy in the intervening time to help train and guide any potential successors as required. However Lorry said that she would not personally be seeking a replacement as she considered that this was the responsibility of all Society members. She urged the members to give their utmost consideration to this matter as she would not carry on with the role if no-one is found and the Society would then have to determine whether it could continue. If all Society members each brought one or two friends along to the meetings, it will help not just with finances but could also be vital to the long term survival of the Society.
The Society is only able to continue through the dedication and commitment of the speakers and committee members. The Officers are always on the outlook for anyone else who would like to sit on the small committee, participate in the debates or be a panellist at one of the question time sessions. Members were asked to consider if they could help in any way and if so to make contact with any of the Officers. .
This report was accepted with thanks and without comment from the floor.
Officers and Committee:
Chairman: Derek Cheek
Treasurer: Jean Cheek
Secretary: Lorry Greenall
Committee Members:
Mary Lane
Helen Rees
Maria Skage
The previous committee and officers as outlined above were elected en bloc together with the volunteered new committee members Karl Sage and Wally Bensilum.
Any Other Business:
There was no other business