2018 AGM

AGM 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Clacton Debating Society

Held at Imperial House , Clacton on Sea on Wednesday 4th July 2018  

The Chairman, Derek Cheek presided. Fifteen people were present in total.

The minutes of the 2017 AGM were read and agreed as a correct record.

Matters Arising:

The only matter arising was in relation to having a designated Facebook page and this was covered within the Secretary's Report.

Chairman’s Report:  

Derek Cheek thanked all of the people who have helped to make the Debating Society such a success over the past year. He gave special thanks to the tea ladies and the small band of washer uppers led by Maria Skage.

This report was accepted with thanks.

Treasurers Report:

Jean Cheek presented the Society's accounts for 2017-2018. The Building Society currently has £666.47 but the hall rent has increased and outgoings continue to exceed incoming monies so it has been necessary to raise the annual membership to £20 although visitors will still be charged £2. No charge is made for refreshments but this may be reviewed as the year progresses. 

This report was accepted with thanks.

Secretary’s Report:

The Society has met monthly over the past year and there have been a variety of interesting debates and question panels within the programme. Attendance has varied from 14 to 23 with an attendance average of 18, slightly up from previous years. Attendance figures do not appear to demonstrate a preference for any particular type of debate or speaker.

As you know debate reports are submitted each month for inclusion in the Community News section of the local newspaper although they are not always published. These reports are also placed on our website and Facebook pages. Over the course of 2017, visits to our website have remained fairly constant. Philip Baldock very kindly helped to set up a separate Facebook page for the Society but unfortunately as soon as it was used, it linked straight back into my personal Facebook pages. Also there now seem to be two separate sites with members using either or both and it is just not functioning properly. Furthermore it offers nothing that the main website, Messenger and email do not already cover . This coupled with Facebook's dubious data collection history has led to the recommendation that we discontinue all future use of Facebook by the Society. This was agreed by those present with the proviso that if members wished to review the situation next year and resume the Facebook link, then Jake Clapham would lead the change on behalf of the Society.

Following the recent data protection changes, it should be stated that it has never been our practice to share contact details with anyone without permission. Emails are blind copied to multiple recipients. Addresses and telephone numbers are deleted after a year's non attendance. Nevertheless if any current members do not wish their details to be recorded they will be immediately removed by the Secretary on individual request.

All our paper records have been sent to Chelmsford Records Office so we are now a paperless organisation. The only data not currently recorded on our website is with regard to the AGMs. I would suggest that from this time and unless anyone has any objection, the relevant papers are also placed on this website. This recommendation was agreed by those present.

As with every year we have been sad to lose some long term members through ill health   although we are delighted to continue to have new people joining our debates. I say this every year but the Society would not be able to continue without the dedication and commitment of our speakers and committee members - and of course we are always on the outlook for anyone else who would like to sit on our small committee, participate in the debates or be a panellist at one of the question time sessions. If you feel you can help in any way please do not hesitate to talk to Jean or Derek or me -you are all vital to the continued survival of this Society.

This report was accepted with thanks.

Officers and Committee:

Chairman:                               Derek Cheek

Treasurer:                              Jean Cheek

Secretary:                               Lorry Greenall

Committee Members:                                                           

                                              Mary Lane

                                              Helen Rees

                                              Maria Skage


The committee and officers as outlined above were elected en bloc.

Any Other Business: 

There was no other business