30th June 2023



PRESENT:  Allan Duncan, Diana Hindle, Stuart Kimber, Tony Amber

APOLOGIES:  No apologies were received

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

GARDEN PARTY:  It was agreed that the Garden Party was a great success, with over 200 adults and children attending.   Diana was thanked for all her hard work, and she also thanked Daphne for her help and support.   It was agreed to repeat this event next year.

Stuart said he had contacts to provide a loudspeaker and face painting and a neighbour who could provide children’s games if we were to hold the event in half term or a Bank Holiday.  Diana would discuss dates with The Mansion.

SOCIAL:  It was agreed to have a meal at the local Indian restaurant on 20th July, starting at 6 pm.   The Committee members, their families and friends to be invited.

It was also agreed to hold another American Supper at Sarisbury Social Centre at a date to be confirmed.

COMMUNAL GARDENING:  ERMC had stated that John O’Connor had been taken off the contract and the ERMC Rangers would do some ‘remedial work’ until a new company has been appointed.   It was noted that Allan and Stuart had warned ERMC that John O’Connor were not fit for purpose on several occasions.

It was agreed that Stuart and Tony would exert more pressure on ERMC to ensure that the acceptable standards are met on a regular basis and Allan would ‘step back’ from all the chasing he has been doing.   The first action is to find out which has been appointed and the starting date – this information to be passed to all Committee Members.

FORMATION OF A MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Allan was waiting to have a meeting with Homes England.   He would be asking Jon Byrom to send an email to confirm that he, Ian and Diana are officially Shadow Directors, with a copy to ERMC.

THE FUTURE ROLE OF THE CDRA:  It was agreed that Diana would take the lead on all Social Events; Stuart and Tony would lead on the communal gardening and Allan would have the responsibility for coordinating all actions and moving forward to forming a Residents’ Management Company.    Progress on all matters to be entered on the CDRA WhatsApp to ensure everyone is updated at all times.

NEXT MEETING:  To be held at 54 Rothschild on 8th September at a time to be agreed.