What a great time we had across the Channel between 9th and 13th May ! One third of our party were new Twinning members who had never witnessed Plouescat hospitality before, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Twenty seven of us, including two students from Braunton Academy, travelled by Filers coach to Plymouth, before sailing overnight on the Armorique to Roscoff. We woke up in France and were met at the dock by an advance party of our French friends who escorted us to the Community Hall where we met up with our hosts and ate breakfast together. We were all given a well prepared programme setting out what promised to be a full and interesting four days together

 After settling into our temporary homes and eating the customary three course lunch (with wine), we returned to Roscoff and boarded the motorised train where we sat back and enjoyed a guided tour of this historic port full of stunning architectural and cultural buildings.

 'Onion Johnnies' with their bicycles were a familiar sight in the U.K. a few years back and we paid a visit to a local farm which grows these prize onions, which are special to Roscoff.

Monsieur l'Oignon

We learned how to tie the long strings of onions, and the history behind the industry.... it is fair to say that we now 'know our onions'.


Thursday evening was a fancy dress Island themed party night with more food and drink where we competed for the Annual Challenge Cup. This year it involved twirling a hula hoop for the longest possible time. I am pleased to say that Braunton won hands down, with a magnificent effort in excess of 40 seconds !

Hula Challenge 


Friday was a long drive to Carnoet where we paid a visit to a local farm style museum. After a sit down picnic in the local town hall we  travelled to 'La Vallee des Saints' and walked around the 100 or so huge granite statues until rain stopped play. That evening, we broke out into small groups of around twenty people and enjoyed another marvellous evening of Plouescat hospitality at its very best.

 On Saturday morning, after a stroll around the local market, Plouescat Town Council laid on aperitifs in the Mairie (Town Hall) and we toasted the continuing friendships between our Twinning groups. 

 Mayoral Reception 


There followed a relaxing afternoon where we could do our own thing with our hosts.For several of us this involved a walk along the beautiful local beaches. That evening, we put on our gladrags and headed to Cap Ouest Hotel in Plouescat for the Official Dinner with plenty of speeches, good food, wine, dancing and entertainment until around 2 a.m.!

 Sunday arrived all too soon. We returned to Roscoff and set sail on the afternoon ferry back to Plymouth. We were all exhausted, but had  thoroughly enjoyed our short time with our French friends. Now we start planning for their visit here in 2019 !

Au revoir ! A l'annee prochaine .....! (please see the Photo Album tab for many more pictures of the 2018 trip.)

Au Revoir ! A l'annee prochaine ..... !