4 May 2022: Rod Stanczyszyn, chair of Bewdley Says NO to Gladman, elected as Mayor of Bewdley. 

26 April 2022: Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016 - 2036) was adopted at a meeting of Full Council and has come into immediate effect.

25 June 2018: Gladman's application for a judicial review of the Planning Inspector's appeal decision refused as "hopelessly unarguable and bound to fail".

17 May 2018: Gladman submit paperwork for their application for a judicial review of the appeal decision to the High Court.

24 April 2018: Gladman apply for a judicial review of the decision of the planning inspector.

14 March 2018: Appeal dismissed and planning permission refused.

24th October 2017 to 3rd November 2017:Appeal to be heard in public at Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way.

27 June 2017: Deadline for representations to be received by The Planning Inspectorate for appeal ref: APP/R1845/W/17/3173741.

20 June 2017: Gladman's appeal to be discussed @ WFDC Planning Committee meeting.
WFDC Planning Committee unanimously endorse the Chief Planning Officer's report and his grounds for recommending refusal which will to form the basis of the Council's case at the appeal.

28 April 2017:Wyre Forest MP Mark Garnier writes to Secretary of State Sajid Javid asking him to
reject Gladman's appeal.

27 April 2017: Gladman launch appeal on grounds of non-determination of the application.

28 February 2017: Gladman submit 5 revised/new documents, dated 28/02/2017, to support their application.

13 January 2017: 'All 4 Better Development' eGov petition launched.

 2 November 2016: 'Bewdley say NO to Gladman' website launched.

20 October 2016:Deadline for objecting to application 16/0550/OUTL

10 October 2016: Planning application 16/0328/FULL refused by WFDC:   

 3 October 2016:Bewdley Town Council planning committee unanimously recommend rejection of application 16/0550/OUTL

20-24 Sept 2016: 'Bewdley says NO to Gladman' campaign print over 4000 leaflets and distribute them across the
entire town.

19 September 2016: WFDC sends letters to neighbours regarding 16/0550/OUTL

14 September 2016: Planning application 16/0550/OUTL submitted to WFDC:
Outline planning permission for up to 195 residential dwellings (including up to 30% affordable housing), introduction of structural planting and landscaping, informal public open space and children’s play area, surface water flood mitigation and attenuation, vehicular access point from The Lakes Road and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access off The Lakes Road (DY12 2BP)

14 September 2016: Crowdfunding appeal passes £1000

12 September 2016: Crowdfunding appeal launched.

 7 September 2016: Facebook group passes 1000 members.

 4 September 2016: More than 380 people form a human chain across the threatened fields.

30 August 2016: Over 300 people pack St Georges hall to express their opposition to Gladman.

23 August 2016: 'Say no to Gladman - Bewdley' Facebook group founded.

19 August 2016: 1st meeting of embryonic 'Bewdley says No to Gladman' group 

15 August 2016: 500 Local residents start to receive a Gladman “Consulatation Document” through the post.

11 August 2016: Gladman place advert of their intention in Kidderminster Shuttle

 6 June 2016: Planning application 16/0328/FULL submitted to WFDC:
Change of use of land to the keeping of horses; construction of stable block and hard standing; and creation of access track and alterations to existing field access on The Lakes Road