Articles & stories of interest.

The Daily Mail - 17 December 2014:  
Despoiling of England: The ruthless 'no-win-no-fee' developers exploiting new planning rules to threaten our historic countryside.
An investigation into Gladman.

The Telegraph - 5 August 2017: The modern-day barons: inside the murky underbelly of land promotion

The Guardian - 9 February 2017: Simon Jenkins - People who’ve fallen through the net won’t get a home from Sajid Javid

Government white paper - 7 February 2017: Fixing our broken housing market

The Telegraph - 4 February 2017: Number of empty homes hits highest for 20 years. Is there a need to build on countryside ?

CPRE viewpoint - 16 January 2017: The Housing White Paper: what the government should do

The Sunday Times - 15 January 2017: Rural army masses behind 'hero' farmer in homes battle

The Comet - 16 January 2017: Petition launched by Adam Zerny and All 4 Better Development group

The Planner - 11 January 2017: 72% of councillors think planning system is undemocratic

Ministerial written statement - 12 December 2016: Neighbourhood Planning:Written statement - HCWS346
The Planner - 26 January 2017: Developers seek Judicial review of Ministerial Statement on Neighbourhood planning
      Developers Submission    List of Claimants & their grounds    Government reponse

Article by Ian Mulheirn - Director of Consulting at Oxford Economics. Former think-tanker and HM Treasury economist. - January 2016: 
Part 1: Is there *really* a housing shortage?
Part 2: Are housing costs high?
Part 3: Why are prices so high and will building more bring them down?
Nationwide average house prices adjusted for inflation


Kidderminster Shuttle - 2 February 2017: Controversial Stourport housing plans submitted