December 2024 - We have left this site in situ as a tribute to the people of Bewdley who came together to take on the developers and fight to preserve our precious town.
We continue to keep watch for unsuitable development applications in the area in case that spirit is needed again.
Latest: 25th June 2018 - Gladman have been refused permission for a judicial review of the Planning Inspector's decision to refuse planning permission.
Full text of original appeal decision.
Welcome to the campaign dedicated to stopping Gladman Developments’ plan to spoil the beautiful and unique Georgian town of Bewdley by the River Severn.
The site adjacent to Dry Mill Lane and The Lakes Road
Gladman are attempting to gain outline planning permission to build an estate of nearly 200 houses on the North-West edge of the town in countryside loved and enjoyed by both residents and tourists alike for generations. The plan will take away an ancient coffin path across historic farmland with unrivalled pristine views of the Wyre Forest SSSI and the Severn Valley.
Local residents have banded together to form this campaign group to fight this unwanted and speculative proposal.
This development does not fit with either the Bewdley Neighbourhood plan or Wyre Forest's local plan.
We believe that the local infrastructure is incapable of supporting development in this particular area, especially the roads through the centre of town, which is a conservation area.
'Bewdley says No to Gladman' are not against housing development in the town. We understand the need for new housing, but it must be sustainable. The proposed Gladman development does not fall into this category.