Amersham Exhibitions

Chesham MRS 50th Anniversary Exhibition March 2nd 2025

We took part in the Society's Anniversary Exhibition with Quarry Halt partly refurbished. It was a busy all day with visitors and the layout behaved well.

Ready for the opening of the exhibition

Ready for the opening of the exhibition.

Positioning the stock ready for the show

Positioning the stock ready for the first visitors.

First train of the day

First train of the day

Fascinated with the shunting

Fascinated with the shunting.

Getting the next train ready

Getting the next train ready.


Amersham Heritage Day 2024

We were invited back to the Amersham Heritage Day after our successful visit two years previously. The crowds were as big as ever and at one point mid-afternoon there was a long queue just to get into the church to see us. Then quite a few discovered what a delightful Church St. Mary's is and continued looking around.Platform starter



We haven't changed much on the layout for this exhibition, except for repairing the platform starter signal as the arm broke at the Bracknell exhibition last year. We took the opportunity to also make the signal remotely operational with servos and we added lighting too with tiny LEDS inside the lamps. The advanced starter at the entrance to the traverser area was also motorised. But this being primarily an audience of members of the public all they wanted to see were trains running, not lots of shunting!

So we will be reviewing our running schedule in light of this.






The replacement Quarry Halt starter

Crowds of people around Quarry Halt in St. Mary's Church Amersham

Quarry Halt lost in the crowds in St. Mary's Church at Amersham Heritage Day 2024


Quarry Halt baseboards assembled and stock and curatins to be added

Quarry Halt almost ready for show in St. Mary's Church on Amersham Heritage Day 2024. Just the front curtains and the stock to be added.

Section of Quarry Halt showing the mill and pond area sidings

A close up of the Mill and Pond sidings on Quarry Halt for Amersham Heritage Day 2024.


Club member John talks to the public about models built by members

A member of Amersham and Chorleywood Model Railway Society, John, fascinates members of the public with kits and models made by club colleagues. He had many tales to tell and the display table had a constant group of the public all afternoon.



Bracknell Railway Society Exhibition, Bracknell, October 29th 2023


Quarry Halt at Bracknell Exhibition in October 2023

Preparing Quarry Halt at Bracknell


Quarry Halt in full running mode with our Chairman and Treasurer in control

First movements at the start of the Bracknell exhibition.


Quarry Halt at Bracknell Exhibition with Chairman in control

Quarry Halt in action as the Chairman and Treasurer look on.


Quarry Halt at Bracknell Exhibition

Our Chairman waits for the next arrival at the Mill Sidings on Quarry Halt.


Quarry Halt at Bracknell Exhibition in October 2023 - a tricky handover

Much discussion as our Treasurer (on the left) makes an unexpected train movement!



Our Chairman rerails a wayward wagon on Quarry Halt.


Amersham Town Heritage Day September 4th 2022

Our visit to the Amersham Heritage Day on September 4th 2022 was successful. Much to our surprise there were people viewing the Quarry Halt layout well before our 'official' opening time. And it never slacked off after that! At times we had people viewing three deep. Hopefully it will trigger some additional membership, but our intention was to entertain everyone, children particularly, and this was achieved.
Although not an exhibition as such it was good to get Quarry Halt out of the club hut for people to see.


Three members of A&CMRS discuss running schedule in St Marys Church    
Three members of A&CMRS discuss the running schedule in St Marys Church as they prepare to get going for Amersham Heritage Day 2022

Quarry Halt layout set up ready to go for Heritage Day

Quarry Halt layout set up ready to go for Amersham Heritage Day 2022


A&CMRS layout Quarry Halt at Amersham Heritage Day

 A&CMRS layout Quarry Halt at Amersham Heritage Day 2022


Examples of models constructed from kits by A&CMRS members

 Examples of models constructed from kits by A&CMRS members


Prior to these showings for Quarry Halt we last had a very successful exhibition of our own at the Amersham Community Centre in April 2013. This was a more traditional type of exhibition with visiting layouts and traders.

It is unlikely that we will be able to mount that kind of exhibition in the future as we just don't have sufficient members to manage one anymore.


 If you want to find other exhibitions anywhere in the country use the link below.