Action Day lunch break


Our volunteers are the lifeblood of what we can do for the Ridge. The basics of keeping the paths open, removing litter and occasional tipping are what keeps the Ridge a welcoming pleasant place to visit. In addition we manage small trees and shrubs, selecting the best to grow on and develop, and thinning out the prolific self-seeders such as sycamore, norway maple and ash.

We try to make our monthly action days a fun social experience, breaking for a barbecue lunch and hot drinks. We are lucky to have the support of the Leeds University Union Conservation Volunteers (LUUCV) during term times and David Preston of the Council's Ranger Service, who serves throughout the Meanwood Valley.

If you would like to join us, email Christine, our secretary ( and she will add you to our mailing list. You will receive an email 4 days before the Action Day, setting out where we're meeting and what the planned tasks are. You will also get notes from our general meetings and invitation to special events


Click here for our volunteering code of conduct