On this page you can view the current Parish Council Policies and procedures.

The Standing Orders are the rules of conduct of Parish Council meetings and may be viewed below

 Standing Orders 2024 - to be reviewed June 2025

As Parish Councils deal with public money they are obliged to approve a set of financial regulations and abide by them in their financial dealings.  The current financial regulations and other financial policies may be viewed on the next line.

Financial Regulations 2024 - to be reviewed June 2025

You may view all other Parish Council policies below

Code of Conduct 2023 - to be reviewed September 2025

Document Retention Policy 2022 - to be reviewed February 2022

Equality Policy - to be reviewed July 2018

Data Protection Policy - to be reviewed August 2018

Complaints Procedure - to be reviewed November 2024

Training Policy - to be reviewed Oct 2019

Widdington Parish Council Publication Scheme -to be reviewed April 2020