Uttlesford District Council                                                                  Essex County Council

Uttlesford District Council                                                         Essex County Council

London Road                                                                               County Hall

Saffron Walden                                                                            Market Road

Essex                                                                                             Chelmsford

CB11 4ER                                                                                      CML 1LX

01799 510510                                                                              0845 743 0430


District Cllrs for Widdington                                                         Essex County Cllr

Cllr Neil Hargreaves cllrhargreaves@uttlesford.gov.uk              Cllr Ray Gooding cllr.ray.gooding@essex.gov.uk

 Cllr Judy Emanuel cllremanuel@uttlesford.gov.uk

Kemi Badenoch MP

Holds regular advice surgeries offering help and support for local residents.

If you would like to contact Kemi, you can email kemi.badenoch.mp@parliament.uk or call 0207 219 1943