The Council
Every parish in England and Wales with more than 200 electors must generally have a parish council with at least five members. Elections are held every four years - at the same time as district councils.
Parish council functions include: allotments; encouragement of arts and crafts; community halls; recreational facilities; and many minor functions. They also have the opportunity to comment on local planning applications within the parish. In addition they may spend limited sums for general benefit of the parish, levying a precept on the district council for their funds. More recently they can now spend money on community transport initiatives.
In all they do councillors are responsible to each elector in the parish. For this reason everyone is welcome to attend the monthly council meetings, to raise any concerns they may have and to listen to the business of the day.
Below is information that will allow you to contact a Councillor or attend a Parish Council Meeting. If you have any concerns that you would like to air, please call a Councillor or, better still, attend a meeting.
Clerk to the Whitchurch Parish Council (to whom all correspondence is to be sent)
Councillors and their telephone numbers (all prefixed by 01296)
Ashley Bond (Chairman) Wayside 641552
Mark Parrott, (Vice Chairman) Beechmoor Farm, 641369 or 641207
Paul Alderman, 61 High Street 641304
Susan Ford, 38 Ashgrove Gardens 641766
Caroline Heron, 1 The Meadows 640323
Abby Bond, Wayside 641552
Jeremy Sampson
Aylesbury Vale District Councillor (Weedon Ward)
Cllr Janet Blake
Buckinghamshire County Councillor (Wing Division)
Cllr Netta Glover
3 High Street, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 0NS 688357
Venue for meetings
Meetings take place in St Johns Hall, White Horse Lane.
Time and Dates of Parish Council Meetings
Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month and start at 7.30pm. There are however generally no meetings in August and December. The dates for the remaining of the year are;
Agenda of each meeting contains some, or all, of the following items
Parish Forum - opportunity for parishioners to ask questions or make comments
Matters arising from previous minutes
Planning - review of any current applications
Financial - review of expenditure
Footpaths & Footways
Street Lighting
Minutes of each meeting are issued by the Clerk to the Council and are presented for approval or amendment at the next Council meeting. They are then posted on the village notice boards sited outside 7, High Street and in Ashgrove Gardens. They also appear on the village website – see link below. This allows every elector to learn of the matters discussed and actions agreed by their Councillors.
Annual Reports
The Parish Council publishes an annual report