Much Wenlock Tree Forum is a small but active community group which exists to raise awareness in our community of the importance of trees to the environment . We are practically engaged with planting new trees to help protect our environment from flooding and to extend the variety of trees in our area as a protection against widespread disease.

Welcome to the web site of the Much Wenlock Tree Forum

'Trees are the poems the earth writes upon the sky' . Kahlil Gibran

Climate change makes it more important than ever to plant trees and protect those we have. We can all help by planting a tree. 

A single mature oak tree aged at around two hundred years old will provide through photo synthesis enough oxygen for one man to breath for a year.

Why not plant a tree for every member of your family 



Manifesto for Climate Crisis Action


 Global warming and its consequences for the planet is something we must all face, in every city, small town and village.




  • We can all do something to help reduce the CO2 emissions which cause


     global warming.


 Trees are our best resource to reduce CO2, they convert CO2 into oxygen as a natural process




  • Much Wenlock Tree Forum has been planting trees in Much Wenlock and its immediate surrounds since 2008.


 We commit to continue planting at every possible opportunity and hope that you will do the same.




  • What can you do?


  1. Plant suitable new trees in your garden
  2. Lobby your local authority to plant and care for trees on any spare bits of land
  3. Think twice before you decide to fell the tree in your garden, do you really need to?




Planting and caring for trees are one of the most important things you can do to make your contribution to saving the planet. It is easy, takes no time at all and it costs very little. Once done it will give pleasure and benefit for many years to come.  

Enjoy our web site


Our web site is regularly updated with lots of new stuff and helpful information which you can find on our pages 


limes in winterlimes in summer






Limes in winter, autumn

and summer

along the Linden Walk

Much Wenlock






 limes in autumn

  Trees in Winter Lesley Durbin

lesleys second tree pic


leaf flower

                                                                                    Leaf Flower by Kerrie Shanley

At the inaugural meeting in October 2007 the Much Wenlock Tree Forum agreed a number of aims. They are;

  • To look after the trees in Much Wenlock and to plant more trees in the town
  • To raise public awareness of the value of trees in Much Wenlock and, wherever possible, to encourage householders and land owners to plant more trees
  • To find sites in the town where trees may be planted
  • To support the Much Wenlock Town Council regarding the care and maintenance of the trees in public places in Much Wenlock

Since that inaugural meeting the members have come to understand more about the needs of the town and parish in relation to the trees we have and the trees we need for the future.

Many fine trees in the town can be considered as "Heritage Trees", that is trees awarded a special status due to their age, size, rarity or historical association. Much Wenlock has a particularly large number of the latter.

More and more recognition is given these days to the value of trees and the need to protect and care for them. With that in mind we have developed a more informative and all-encompassing strategy for the welfare of trees in our area. It gives an overview of just how valuable trees are to people and reminds us of our need to protect them, care for them and finds ways to plant more of them.

Much Wenlock Neighbourhood Plan  Objective 7 and 8 

Green and Open spaces, Local Landscape and Wildlife

Policy Numbers  MW21, MW22, MW23

The Plan will expect housing developments to retain features of high nature conservation or landscape value, including mature trees, species-rich hedgerows, ponds and existing areas of woodland. Improvement of the connectivity between wildlife areas and green spaces will be encouraged to enhance the green infrastructure of the Parish. Additionally the Plan will safeguard existing green spaces for play and rercreation 

How important are trees ?

Most of the oxygen we breathe is produced by trees. They take in carbon and lock it in their woody tissues. Shelter belts of trees around habitation can keep houses warm in winter and cool in summer. Trees provide shade from hot sun and assist in air cooling. In effect, trees moderate climate and stabilise the atmosphere.


Trees help us enjoy healthier lives. They absorb pollution from the air and assist in noise reduction. They provide drugs for medicines and can take heavy metals from contaminated land. Trees around houses, factories, hospitals and schools promote a "feel good factor" and enhance people's daily lives, their willingness and ability to work, their ability to recover from illness and their capacity to absorb new learning.

Trees give us places for recreation and are an art form in their own right.

Trees can lead to more successful local economies. Employment maybe provided in the forestry and timber trades. The image of local industry within the urban scene can be improved by trees leading to happier working environments. Trees have been proven to enhance property values and, generally, improve landscape quality.

Trees can stabilise land and aid reclamation of derelict land. The spread of tree roots prevents soil erosion. River banks, too, can be retained in this way.

Trees can "clean up" contaminated land and, by breaking up soil and increasing underground water flow, can reduce flooding.

 Trees provide us with useful products - timber, medicines and drugs, food (fruit, nuts, etc.) and renewable energy crops such as biofuels.

Trees increase biodiversity by providing habitats for wildlife. With hedges, they provide green corridors to give safe shelter for animals to move undetected by predators.

 Trees assist the creation of more sustainable communities. They strengthen neighbourhoods by bringing people together for community involvement in such as woodland walks, tree planting, etc..

 Many people find trees attractive and simply enjoy them for their aesthetic addition to the landscape.

 We understand that many people have a great love of trees we hope you will find our website both interesting and useful.

We are still building our web site, it is a 'live' document  with new information being added whenever something of interest or importance comes to the fore. 



Useful links and addresses: 

Shropshire Council Natural Environment Team  tel: 01743 252564 / 252584;

Woodland Trust :

The Tree Council: 


Contact Information

4 Mardol Terrace
Much Wenlock
TF13 6BH