Councillor Profiles

Wakes Colne Parish Council

Who we are


There are seven Wakes Colne Parish Councillors and one Parish Clerk who seek to serve you to the best of their abilities.

Parish Councillors are:


Chairman: Stella Hounslow - Stella has lived in Wakes Colne for 34 years, and has been retired since 2012 after commuting to London. Stella is passionate about the local area, countryside and conservation of wildlife.

Representative:- Personnel Committee, Station Road Traffic Calming Working Group


Vice Chairman: Allan Hannington - Originally from the Southend on Sea area, Allan has lived in Wakes Colne since 1982, although not continuously, as several years were spent working overseas. Married with a daughter, he and his wife Lynden were recently presented with a grandson, he also has a son living in Norfolk. Allan worked in the structural and civil engineering industry all his working life as a draughtsman/technician on projects as diverse as spaghetti junction on the M6 in Birmingham to the bridges connecting Chappel to Wakes Colne adjacent to the Swan PH. He retired as Chief Draughtsman/CAD Manager at the end of 2011 having joined the parish council a few years earlier when Chappel bridge came up for structural replacement by Essex County Council.

Representative:- Personnel Committee, Superfast Broadband, Station Road Traffic Calming Working Group, Planning and general highway issues.


Maggie Bowden - Maggie has lived in Wakes Colne since 1986, working in Essex and Hertfordshire secondary schools as a teacher of foreign languages.  She has been a Parish Councillor since September 2012.

Representative 2015/2016: Public Footpath Working Group and Personnel Committee.


Kathy Brown - Kathy has lived in Wakes Colne for 21 years having moved to the area from Bristol. Kathy has worked in Local Government for 38 years and is a Chartered Member of The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health having been a health and safety professional for 36 years.

Representative 2015/16: Public Footpath Working Group, Superfast Broadband Working Group.


Hilda Cresswell- Hilda was first elected as a parish councillor in 1983, and has been a continuously elected member ever since. Never missing a meeting until 2009 when her husband died. Hilda’s daughter Trudi is the local post person, and was born in the village. She also has two sons,; one lives in Australia the other in Wales. Hilda is a member of the ladies section of the royal British Legion, and past member of the W.I. 


Stephen Scrase - Having lived in Wakes Colne for nearly thirty years, I am married with two grown up sons who attended local state schools. Although one of the retired mob, I still undertake work looking after clients gardens in the Colne Valley. I believe that I have a down to earth attitude, ready to be a doer rather than just a talker & able to produce some original ideas for the Parish Council to progress on behalf of the Parishioners.

Representative 2015/16: Superfast Broadband, Public Footpaths, Village Hall Representative.


Monica Taylor – Monica has been closely connected with Wakes Colne since 1961 and returned to live here in 2001. In 2012 she was elected to the Parish Council and is pleased to use her academic and editorial professional skills in the Council's service. She serves on the working parties for Station Road traffic calming/footway and for maintenance and development of our footpath network.

Representative 2015/2016: Public Footpath Working Group, Station Road Traffic Calming Working Group, and Millennium Green Trust.



Parish Clerk: Diane Jacob - Diane has been the Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer since June 2012.  Diane passed CiLCA (Certificate in Local Administration) in January 2014 and is now a fully qualified Clerk. CiLCA Certificate.

Diane and her partner have one child and have lived in Greenstead Green for the past 10 years. To contact Parish Councillors or to express your views or concerns, if you have anything you would like to report to the Parish Council please feel free to contact her.