The Benefice of Campton, Clophill & Haynes
6th June 2021 - First Sunday after Trinity
Readers: Audrey Brand, Liz Le Mesurier and Martin Randall
O GOD, the strength of all them that put their trust in thee, mercifully accept our prayers; and because through the weakness of our mortal nature we can do no good thing without thee, grant us the help of thy grace, that in keeping of thy commandments we may please thee, both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
First Reading: Genesis 3. 8-15
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4. 13-5.1
Gospel Reading: Mark 3. 20-end
Please remember in your Prayers...
Those who are unwell or in any kind of need:
Ray James, Betty Hampson, Diana Drake, Sarah McCormick, Jane Bowler, Jan Shields, Aiden, Judy Simm’s nephew,John and Anita Errick, Nigel Barker, Alfie Matlock, April Hunt, Harry Hayes, David Strong.
Recently Departed:
Sunday 13th June Second Sunday after Trinity
10.45am Clophill
11.00am Communion Campton
11.30am Outside Service Haynes
Ezekiel 17. 22-end
2 Corinthians 5.6-10, 14-17
Mark 4. 26-34
Meppershall Rectory Service.
Ascension Day Service
Below are the links to the Sunday 10.30 Service and the 9am and 9pm daily services. The Service is also available by phone 01462 559112. Youtube St Marys & St Michaels:
Clophill St Mary’s Prayer Group meets every Thursday morning at 9 30 am via Zoom and the contact details are as follows - Meeting ID 346 937 3795 and the passcode is 1AaKQT Everyone is welcome to join us.
Our PCC will meet on Wednesday 9th June at 1 30pm in church & if there is something you would like discussed then please let the PCC chairman Adrienne Gordon know as soon as possible - all are welcome to attend the meeting but only PCC members can vote.
Please place your order for our Afternoon Tea in the church garden on Saturday 3rd July, forms are available in church & return them to Julie Benson,
Thank you to Ralph Brough, Gordon Layne & Mac Ilett who have spent time this week repainting our flag pole & for raising the Union flag for the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen's Coronation, & we look forward to seeing the Union flag flying for the the Queen's official birthday on Saturday 12th June.
Sunday 23rd May Zoom Service
Zoom log in details are:
Meeting ID 901 979 0049 and the password is 564424
all are welcome. If you are new to our service and would like a copy of the service sheet each week, please email Ann at and you will be added to the list.