Loving Father, as we come together this morning, in our churchyard, your acre, we see the beauty of the morning and feel the stillness, the calm in your acre. We give you thanks for this place of peace where we can sense your presence and be near to our loved ones who are buried here.

God of time and eternity, we pray for all those buried in this holy place. Keep them in your loving care, bring them into your kingdom of light and peace that they may share in joy with you and with all your saints forever. Amen.

Loving Father, we come to you now with prayers for all who suffer in mind, body or spirit and we remember those known to us,

Sarah McCormick, Jane Bowler, Aiden, Jan Shields, Jan, Lou Clifton’s mum, Robin Watkins, Claudeen Cox, Anne Jewell and Mark and Rhoda’s little grandson Noah who is in Great Ormond Street hospital for a heart operation. Father, we also pray for those who are unwell but have no one to pray for them. We ask that you wrap your loving arms around them that they may receive comfort and healing. Amen.


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen