Present: Ann Adams, Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Warren Foot, Jenny Hayward, Denise Johnston, Julie Longbottom, Lynda Parsons, Carol Watts
Revd Caren Topley.
Apologies: John Hayward.
Election of Officers:
CHAIR: Warren Foot. Proposed by Lynda Seconded by Sally.
VICE CHAIR: John Hayward Proposed by Ann Seconded by Jenny
TREASURER: Julie Longbottom Proposed by Ann Seconded by Sally
Sides Persons:
Ann Adams, Jenny Hayward, Nick and Connie Cullum, Liz and Mike White, Carol Watts, Mollie Daniels, Lou Clifton, Diana Stevens, Margaret Bigg, Christine Tumber, Sally Cripsey, Alan and Gill Morgan, Brian and Valerie Oertel, Diana Welham.
All the above to be contacted and to confirm they are still willing to remain as sides persons.
Action: AA
Minutes of the meeting held on 12th April 2021 had been circulated by email. Approved by all. JH has a paper copy of the minutes which she will forward to WF for signing. Action: JH/WF
At this point it was proposed by Warren that our zoom meetings should be recorded. Anyone then taking the minutes can play back and check any point. AA recorded the meeting.
Churchwardens Report: The was no report for this meeting as there was nothing to add since the report to the APCM.
Treasurer's Report: for period 1st Jan. to 31st May 2021’ JL had forwarded the report to AA to send round. This had been forwarded to members but was not received. Action: AA to forward to all members.
Julie therefore gave a verbal report.
Income for this period. £14,500 All gift aid is in.
Total collected for the Parish Magazine £2,251
Grant received from the Parish Council for the churchyard £800
Fees for funerals received.
Expenditure . £7,500
Parish Share £4,045 paid. We are still paying half (full share would be £8,900.) This to be reviewed at the next meeting. Action: AA to put on next Agenda
Insurance and electricity paid.
Current a/c £14,000
Deposit a/c. £28,000
Churchyard fund. £6,200
JL asked if we were expecting any large bills, AA reported there will be an invoice coming soon for servicing the bells, this will be around £400.
Mike White, who has completed gift aid returns for us on an annual basis for the last 25 years wishes to stand down. We will need to find someone to do this, due in April 2022. JL offered to have a word with Mike to see if it is something she can do. Action: JL to speak to Mike
Deanory Synod: CW reported there had not been any meetings.
Magazine Subs: Alan Morgan had sent a report to the secretary, Liz White which had been circulated. NC suggested that two or three people meet with Alan to discuss matters he had raised regarding the collecting of subs and on line payments. All agreed to this. Action: NC to set up a meeting with Alan.
Smartmeter: Sue Oliver, who sends in the meter readings for St Mary’s had been contact by our suppliers who are suggestion we change to a Smart meter. All agreed we should contact them to see if this is possible. Action: AA
New Pattern of Services: A copy of the services had been emailed to all members. All seemed happy with this. It was decided that the service on the 5th Sunday in August should be held at Clifton Church followed by a picnic lunch in the vicarage garden. The next 5th Sunday which is in November will be a zoom service. Then to be reviewed. Action: Revd CT
Notice Boards: SC wanted to replace old boards as they were looking shabby. As we were unable to find suitable new boards it was agreed to recover the existing ones. Work was carried out by Laura Watts, both boards are now back in place. Laura was thanked for a good job.
Safeguarding: No issues. Revd CT reported that Jane Cooper is the Safeguarding officer for Clifton and Southill.
Youth Stars: We have had several meeting on zoom but none recently. We will pick up on this again in the winter months. Action: SC/AA
Correspondence: AA reported she had received cheques and paper work from two funeral directors regarding grave stone. Cheques had been given to Sue Oliver for banking. Paper work to be sent to Revd CT. Action: AA
AOB: There was no other business but SC thanked Revd CT for sitting in on the meeting.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 20th July 7.45pm in the Stable.
WF closed the meeting at 8.45pm with the Grace.