Present: Caren Topley (CT), Warren Foot (WF), Ann Adams (AA), Jenny Hayward (JH), Sally Cripsey (SC), Nick Cullum (NC), Denise Johnston (DJ), Carol Watts (CW), Lynda Parsons (LP), Julie Longbottom (JL)
Minute Taker: Charlotte Foot post meeting using recording.
Minutes from last meeting were circulated by email. Approved by all.
Communion Wine
WF advised that at the last meeting DJ had asked if there was any way we could partake in communion wine in a way that didn’t offend the Diocese or put people at risk as a result of Covid.
CT explained that the bread is the full communion, Bishop Alan is quite clear about that, the bread is enough. Some dioceses have gone back to everything but normal however Bishop Alan is quite firm that he would prefer people not to take communion wine. Additionally, CT would feel uncomfortable about allowing people to partake in the wine. CT feels the best way forward at this stage, is just with the bread. CT is following diocese guidelines and personally would prefer to stay with just bread.
DJ did question whether it was possible to partake in communion wine by using our own cups.
It was agreed that for safeguarding reasons and the potential risks involved in cup sharing that we were happy to continue in the way we are currently doing. SC said that she felt it was a good idea to consider individual cups to take communion wine if we do eventually go back to wine taking. Perhaps it is something we can discuss in the future.
CT advised that when the time comes in the future, if this was something we wanted the diocese to consider, the parish should look into raising it with the deanery synod. There may be a need to do something different post covid. Action: CW to advise the PCC if this issue ever comes up at future deanery synod meetings.
Holly tree
AA briefed on the matter of the holly tree. It is not possible for any tree to be cut down in the churchyard without consent of the local authority. AA feels we should keep the tree. It is an attractive tree and is important for the wildlife in this area. AA accepts that this means that the wall cannot be finished but as rest of it looks in order, the area near the holly tree could simply be tidied up but the tree itself be left to grow. JL confirmed that whenever she was in this area of the churchyard, the tree was always full of birds and she feels it is not a good idea to remove a healthy tree which could affect the wildlife and birds. DJ that there are smaller holly trees growing in this area and if left to grow, the roots in all likelihood will affect the stability of the wall at some point and this may need to be revisited in the future. It was agreed that no action would be taken to remove the holly tree.
CHURCHWARDENS REPORT: AA has circulated report. AA has received a quote for replacing the church ceiling lights from Peter Morgan. In 2019 the quote was £1,499 and the updated quote is £2,107. There are two or three ceiling lights not working and to replace them we need to get a tower in. The best thing to do would be to change the lights to LEDs as these last a lot longer. CT advised similar problem at Clifton. CT suggested AA speak to Kevin Gray. They use LED lights which is the best way forward to being carbon neutral. He could advise. Action: AA will liaise with Kevin Gray on Sunday about replacing ceiling lights with LEDs.
NC advised that there are also radiators that trip out the electrics in the church and it would be advisable to have this looked into to ascertain if an electrics issue or whether the radiators need repairing. Peter Morgan is due to meet AA at the village hall and she will ask him about the radiators. NC will liaise with AA about this. Action: NC will liaise with AA directly about co-ordinating a visit with Peter Morgan to look at the radiators.
Two missing tiles from roof were replaced by Chris Lawton.
TREASURERS REPORT: JL advised that planned giving will be down by £2,000/£2,500 with tax recovered this year compared to last. JL asked for clarification – is she to defer any of the income from magazine subs to next year or was the £11 paid up until December this year? NC advised that the £11 was up to the end of March 2022 for two copies of next year’s will be included in the £11. JL – this means that the current subs total of £3,123.00 will actually be less as she will have to remove some money into next year’s account so the figure stated here will be less about 10%. On expenditure, we are still paying parish share at half what it was. Running expenses – insurance and water and electricity.
JL asked NC for update on oil levels. NC reported that at the moment we do not need a refill so it is unlikely to be before Christmas. NC pointed out that the heating is put on for services and yet the doors are being left open. It is hard enough to get heat levels up without doors open. CT reminded of the need to keep doors open to reduce risks despite the need to heat church.
Full year ends on 31st December. Overall cash position is solid. JL advised that at present we do have movement in finances to increase the parish share payment but bear in mind future costs that may be incurred for repairs could alter this. Final parish share payments have been made to Campton and Clophill but payments have not yet been paid to the new benefice.
Parish Share
CW wants to understand how the stipend contribution has been split across the new benefice, and how the contribution figure has been reached. Haynes is paying considerably more than Southill when we are both quite small villages and we are getting less services than we were before and it is difficult to understand why we are paying such a high figure. WF advised that we did have an exchange of views on this matter four or five months ago and we effectively had a vote by email and the proportion to be paid had been agreed. Has anything changed since then that would cause us to re-open this matter? CW felt that it wasn’t clear who agreed the figures and how it was calculated? CT responded by saying it was calculated based on the electoral roll and Southill has a smaller electoral role and is a smaller parish than Haynes. We agreed the figure with church wardens, looking at what would be the best way forward. There is no easy answer but if we could see how things go and trial it, we can review it in the future. It is believed that the current parish share contribution is Clifton 50%, Southill and Haynes paying 25% each but CT will clarify this. JL advised that the Diocese were still contacting her using the old figures not the new ones that were agreed after parish share discussions. When electoral roll figures are finalised next year then we will review the parish share and then we can decide what payments to start making. Action: CT will double check the precise figures for the parish share contributions and forward details on. CT will send JL contact details for Phillip the PCC treasurer at Clifton.
PARISH MAGAZINE, SUBS AND ADVERT PAYMENTS: NC advised that most advert fees have been paid. AA chasing last few. Invoices need to be sent for October, November and December.
SAFEGUARDING: CT reported that Jane Cooper will be overall safeguarding officer for benefice and we can do the individual risk assessments and forms that apply to Haynes. Dashboard is a useful online tool on the diocese website. It is a way of finding out how good our safeguarding is. Risk assessments will need to be done for church activities like the café church and forms collated. CT will invite Jane Cooper to one of our meetings so that she can advise on the processes of risk assessment and safeguarding. Action: PCC members to take a look at Dashboard on diocese website to familiarise themselves with current safeguarding guidelines.
CLERGY AND WELL BEING: CT advised that she does need to have a break. It has been an extremely busy time and she is in need of some space. Going forward, from Thursday evening to Saturday morning, she will be unavailable. To ensure this, CT will not be checking emails. Church wardens have emergency numbers. Messages can be left and will be picked up from Saturday afternoon. WF commented we must play our part in ensuring CT gets time away.
JUSTGIVING: AA reported that Kevin has supported considerably in getting this up and running with LP. There is an administration fee due on donations made – AA can’t remember figure but it is very low. She will report for next meeting. AA to provide administration fee that is paid on donations at next PCC.
ECO CHURCH: CT provided information on A Rocha – an eco-church company who have speakers who come along to church to organise eco-days. This would be good to arrange at Haynes. There is an eco- church scheme where churches can earn Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. The Bishop is keen for churches in the diocese to achieve the bronze award by 2023. CT advised it does need to be adapted however for rural communities as some of the criteria make it difficult for churches such as Haynes to achieve this. There are changes being made in this respect.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES: AA thanked Caren and Peter for organising Christmas cards. They are beautiful and they will be distributed. Services are all organised and readers being approached.
CAFÉ CHURCH: SC reported that recent MAP meeting was very positive. Lots of ideas. Discussions were had with regard to how we can use other spaces in the village to get people together not just in the church. Café churches have been successful and we will trial one in the mission hall. It is proposed that the café church will run on the second Sunday of the month. The trial will be for three months up till Easter and we will feedback to PCC at the end of the trial period.
Ukulele Evening - NC – it was a great success. It worked very well in the village hall and likely that it will be held there in the future. The larger capacity means more tickets can be sold.
Bike and Hike - JH advised the event raised £125 and we get 50% of this. Only two people dropped into church but it was a nice day.
FORTHCOMING EVENTS: NC - Ceilidh evening hopefully organised for March.
RECTOR’S REPORT: CT circulated report by email. CT introduced the Living in Love and Faith book that has been circulated to the secretaries of PCCs. Recommended that as PCC we need to be looking at this and seeing where we can take it as a small group. Bishop Alan has put great emphasis on this book and it will be discussed at forthcoming synod.
Mission Action Plan, Eco-Church, Living in Love and Faith. These items still need to stay on agenda going forward. Action: AA to make enquiries to obtain a copy of Living in Love and Faith book.
AOB: CT suggested holding the next APCCM at a Sunday Service so that it can be more encompassing to the wider parish. This can be followed by tea and coffee. This was agreed. Date was set for Sunday 24th April 2022
Date was also set for next two PCC meetings:
Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 8pm
Tuesday 8th March 2022 at 8pm
WF closed the meeting with prayers