The meeting opened with prayer for guidance by Ann Adams

Present: Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Jennifer Hayward, Mrs Christine Burt, Mrs Sally Cripsey, Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mr Phil Diffey, Mr Warren Foot, Mrs Denise Johnston, Mr Alan Morgan, Mrs Gill Morgan, Mrs Valerie Oertel, Mrs Sue Oliver, Mrs Lynda Parsons, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Michael White

Apologies: Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mrs Rachel O’Connor, Mrs Diana Stevens


Election of Churchwardens: Nominations had been received as follows:

Jennifer Hayward proposed by Sue Oliver and seconded by Liz White

Ann Adams proposed by Sally Cripsey and seconded by Jenny Hayward

The above were unanimously elected to serve as Churchwardens

The meeting closed at 7.40pm


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of St Mary’s Church, Haynes - Zoom Meeting at 7.40pm

Attendance and apologies as for the meeting above.

EW said that this meeting had been delayed from April due to Covid and everything to follow relates to 2019, and is therefore to some extent out of date, but it is a legal requirement that this meeting must be held by October 31st.


Minutes of the APCM held on Tuesday 23rd April 2019: These were agreed to be a true record and duly signed. There were no matters arising


Report on the Electoral Roll: EW reported from Rachel O’Connor that the Electoral Roll remains unchanged at 50. The names of those on the Electoral Roll are on the church notice board.


Report on the proceedings of the Parochial Church Council and activities of the parish:

The report had been previously circulated – there were no matters arising


Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church and Churchwardens Report

2 reports had been previously circulated. There were no matters arising.

SC commented that as there was no Rector’s report that the report should contain some details of services in 2019


Report on the Financial Statements for the Council for the year 2019

The audited accounts and the Treasurers Report had all been previously circulated.

There were no matters arising but Julie was thanked for all her hard work and clear accounts.

Thanks also to Evlyn Forgie for auditing the accounts.


Report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod The report had been previously circulated. There were no matters arising but Carol Watts and Valerie Oertel were thanked for attending Deanery Synod


Election of Deanery Synod Representatives: one nomination had been received

Carol Watts proposed by Mike White – seconded by Liz White

Carol Watts was duly elected to serve as Deanery Synod representative

Election of PCC members: The following nominations had been received;

Sally Cripsey   proposed by   Ann Adams                 seconded by    Jenny Hayward

Nick Cullum   proposed by  Connie Cullum           seconded by    Mike White

Jan Diffey         proposed by   Phil Diffey                 seconded by    Liz White

Warren Foot    proposed by  Charlotte Foot            seconded by    Mike White

Julie Longbottom proposed by Ann Adams               seconded by    Jenny Hayward

Valerie Oertel proposed by   Brian Oertel              seconded by    Amy Johnston

Elizabeth White proposed by   Jenny Hayward         seconded by Mike White

There were no other nominations so the above 7 were duly elected to serve as PCC members.

As there are 50 on the Electoral Roll the PCC may have up to 9 members so further members can be co opted at the first PCC meeting. Different days of the week for PCC meetings can then be discussed. The date of the first PCC meeting was fixed for Tuesday 10th November at 7.30pm. This is after the first Deanery Synod meeting so there will be opportunity for feedback from this meeting.


Appointment of Independent Auditor: Ann Adams proposed and Sue Oliver seconded that Evlyn Forgie should be appointed as Independent Auditor. All in agreement.

All thanked both Julie and Evlyn for all their hard work


AOB: Ann Adams updated the meeting with what she knew will be the changes to the Deanery and the future of our parish. The Churchwardens are to have a meeting on 9th October and further details may be known then.


Gill Morgan said she had received a letter about the Shoe Box appeal. It was decided that it was not possible or practicable to make up shoe boxes this year. Gill and Alan to enquire whether it is possible for individuals to make a monetary contribution and then put something in the magazine.


Ann Adams said that the Food Bank are asking for money rather than goods – any contributions to be put through her door.


Ann also asked for anyone wishing to attend the communion service at the church on Sunday (taken by Archdeacon Dave) to please let her know as places are limited due to social distancing -masks to be worn. The Churchwardens will be sworn in at this service.


Sally Cripsey asked for help with a video for the Zoom service on Sunday


Liz White thanked everyone who had kept the church and fellowship together going during the difficult period of lockdown.


The meeting ended with The Grace at 8.05pm