Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of St. Mary’s Church, Haynes for the Election of Churchwardens
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at 7.30pm in the Stable
The meeting opened with prayer led by Revd Dean Henley.
Present: Revd Dean Henley, Mrs Jennifer Hayward, Mr Phil Diffey, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mrs Valerie Oertel, Mrs Diana Stevens, Mrs Sue Oliver, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Mike White.
Apologies: Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Sally Cripsey, Mrs Elisabeth Le Mesurier, Mr Warren Foot, Mrs Rachel O’Connor, Miss Kathleen Weeks.
Election of Churchwardens:
Nominations were received as follows:
Ann Adams proposed by Elizabeth White, seconded by Jennifer Hayward
Jennifer Hayward proposed by Sally Cripsey, seconded by Diana Stevens.
The above were unanimously elected to serve as Churchwardens.
The meeting closed at 7.35pm
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of St. Mary’s Church, Haynes
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at 7.40pm in the Stable
Attendance and apologies for the meeting as above.
Appointment of Tellers: DH and PD appointed as Tellers.
Minutes of the APCM held on Tuesday 24th April 2018: These were agreed to be a true record and duly signed by DH.
Matters arising: PD asked if there had been any development on the setting up of a Friends organisation. DH said that there had been a delay to forming the wording of a constitution, and there was not sufficient enthusiastic interest from outside the church to take this forward at present.
Report on the complete revision of the Electoral Roll 2019: In the absence of Rachel O’Connor (Electoral Roll Officer) VO reported that the new Roll stands at 50. (Report attached) The Ethnicity survey showed 44 White British, 1 Chinese and 5 people chose not to answer. Rachel was thanked for all her hard work by DH.
Rector’s Report: DH spoke to his report already circulated. He commented that he had omitted to thank Christopher Strong and he thanked him for all his work in the Benefice.
DH also said that the number of clergy posts in the Diocese are being reduced and that Deanery Synod will be involved in any decision making and it is therefore important we have an active voice on Deanery Synod. DH also spoke on Safeguarding drawing attention to Kathy Taylor’s Report on Safeguarding already circulated.
Report on the proceedings of the Parochial Church Council and activities of the parish:
EW spoke to the report already circulated.
Churchwarden’s Report: DH read out the Churchwardens’ report which had been previously circulated. DH thanked the Churchwardens for all the work they do.
Report on the upkeep of the Churchyard: MW spoke to his report which had been previously circulated.
Report on the Financial Statements of the Council for year ending 31st December 2018:
JL spoke to her report already circulated. The audited accounts were formally approved at an Extraordinary PCC meeting on Sunday 14th April. DH thank JL for all her hard work throughout the year and asked that thanks be passed on to Evlyn Forgie for auditing the accounts.
Report on the proceedings of Deanery Synod: DH spoke to his report already circulated.
Election of Deanery Synod Member: Carol Watts was elected unanimously having been proposed by Valerie Oertel and seconded by Elizabeth White. She was thanked for taking on this important role. She will be the second Deanery Synod representative from Haynes, joining Elisabeth Le Mesurier. Carol will be an ex officio member of the PCC.
Election of PCC Members: The following were elected to the PCC
Sally Cripsey proposed by Diana Stevens seconded by Ann Adams
Nick Cullum proposed by Denise Johnston seconded by Mike White
Jan Diffey proposed by Elizabeth White seconded by Phil Diffey
Amy Johnston proposed by Elizabeth White seconded by Denise Johnston
Julie Longbottom proposed by Elizabeth White seconded by Jan Diffey
Valerie Oertel proposed by Amy Johnston seconded by Brian Oertel
Elizabeth White proposed by Valerie Oertel seconded by Denise Johnston
Mike White proposed by Valerie Oertel seconded by Amy Johnston
Warren Foot
Appointment of Sidespersons: DH proposed,and all were in agreement that Sidespeople from 2018 be re-elected. Sidespeople are: Margaret Bigg, Christine Burt, Louise Clifton, Sally Cripsey, Connie Cullum, Nick Cullum, Mollie Daniels, Alan Morgan, Gill Morgan, Rachel O’Connor, Brian Oertel, Valerie Oertel, Lynda Parsons, Diana Stevens, Christine Tumber, Carol Watts, Diana Welham, Liz White, Mike White
Appointment of Independent Auditor: JL recommended that Evlyn Forgie be re-appointed as Auditor. PD proposed, DH seconded, and all were in agreement that Ev Fogie should be the Independent Auditor.
AOB: None
The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
NB: All reports and associated APCM documents will be available to read at the back of the church