Present:      Ann Adams, Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Warren Foot, Jenny Hayward, Denise Johnston, Lynda Parsons, Carol Watts

Revd Caren Topley.

Minute Taker: Charlotte Foot

APOLOGIES:  John Hayward, Julie Longbottom


MINUTES OF LAST MEETING AGREED - Minutes have been circulated by email.  Approved by all.


RECTORS REPORT - Caren updated on new covid guidance for churches following government lifting of restrictions on 19th July.  

The guidance central message is for minimal change initially and small steps going forward. Review changes every 10 days and will post updates.  Caren is leading Covid guidance for Clifton and Southill as installed rector but officially it still falls to Ann and Jenny to make decisions in relation to the guidance and make changes. For Haynes, it is Ann and Jenny who lead on this.

Caren will send guidance document to Ann, Jenny and Carol to review.


CHURCHWARDENS REPORT: Circulated prior to meeting. Arch Deacons inspection on 27th July – Linda Kymas is conducting.

 Two bookings for the stable.


TREASURERS REPORT: Julie has circulated the report.  

Denise raised church copyright forms which she completes and a fee is paid annually. This is for photocopies/printouts of music sheets for hymns sung in church. We have not paid this year as there have been no church services.

Ann said that the fee had actually been paid even though hymns were sung via zoom and not in church.  The fee was approximately £53.


DEANERY SYNOD REPORT: This has been circulated via email by Carol. Carol highlighted that congregation numbers for Haynes had significantly reduced and people had left to go to other churches which was very disappointing. Caren expressed thanks however to Ann, Jenny and Sally who have worked so hard in keeping the parish going with zoom services during Covid.


Parish Share: Warren stated it was too soon to review it from a financial perspective. As we are not getting the same income as before covid, it was not appropriate to increase parish share at the present time. Caren suggested that if we could try and pay the new parish share in full, we would be in a stronger position to have the previous debt written off.  It was agreed to review putting parish share back up to pre covid levels when Caren is installed which will hopefully be by October.  

With the reduced parish share, finances pretty much balance. Our decision to reduce the parish share in the first place was therefore a prudent decision. Sally - As we have been interregnum for last two years – was there a reduction to our parish share?

Ann said there was a percentage reduction but it was small – not sure of exact figure.  Jenny – it was a reduction of just under £2000.


Caren suggested other ways we can increase our income going forward especially on-line.

Crowd funding

Sum Up machine.

QR codes to link people to online donations.

Caren said that she uses these on the pew sheet.


This is something we can look at further when Caren is installed.


MAGAZINE SUBS: Report from Nick. Paying by direct debit seems to be the way forward. When mag subs are collected next year it will be more straight forward. Julie is sending the monthly account statements via email to Ann which shows who has made payments.  This information is shared with Alan and other distributors.

Caren is happy to make a written contribution to the parish magazine as she does for Clifton and Southill. She normally completes it by the 10th of each month. Any contribution can be forwarded to Sarah Lomax for inclusion.

SMARTMETER: We have smart meter installed in stable and church.

NEW PATTERN OF SERVICES for August and guidance: Ann and Jenny have put together the pattern of services and will forward to CT for her to check. Going forward people will not have to book a seat but other arrangements in the church will generally stay in place.

SAFEGUARDING:       No issues




  1. Ukule Fundraising Evening - Nick is hoping they will be able to hold this in October. The Mission Hall would not be considered a suitable venue so it is likely to take place in village hall. There are obviously questions around how it will be held in a safe covid way but hopefully it will take place on 23rd October


      2. Caren would like to see future agenda items to include:

  • Clergy well-being
  • Living in love and faith
  • Eco Climate church

 Sally indicated we are having our Eco Sunday Service in September.

Caren suggested we go online to learn more about Living in love and faith.


    3. It was agreed that Warren will continue as Chairman until Caren is officially installed.


PCC extended thanks to Caren for all her support and help with services.  Thanks were also extended to Ann, Jenny and Sally for “keeping the church alive” in Haynes and for their commitment to church zoom services.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:   Tuesday 14th September 2021 

Warren closed the meeting with prayers