The meeting opened with prayers for guidance, and from ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ by the Revd Caren Topley

Present: Revd Caren Topley, Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Jennifer Hayward, Mr John Hayward (Chair), Mrs Sally Cripsey, Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mr Phil Diffey, Mrs Denise Johnston, Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mr Alan Morgan, Mrs Gill Morgan, Mrs Rachel O’Connor, Mrs Sue Oliver, Mrs Lynda Parsons, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Mike White

Apologies: Mr Brian Oertel, Mrs Valerie Oertel, Mr Warren Foot


Election of Churchwardens

John Hayward (Chair) asked EW for nominations for the posts of Churchwarden

EW had received two written nominations.


Ann Adams   proposed by Lynda Parsons, seconded by Jennifer Hayward

Jennifer Hayward proposed by Ann Adams, seconded by John Hayward.

They were unanimously elected as Churchwardens for the parish of St. Mary’s, Haynes

Ann and Jennifer were then officially sworn in as Churchwardens by the Revd Caren Topley.

Revd Caren Topley left the meeting at this point.


Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Attendance and apologies as above, apart from the Revd Caren Topley

Minutes of APCM of 29th September 2020.

These had been previously circulated and were proposed by Mr Phil Diffey, seconded by Mrs Sue Oliver, and accepted unanimously as a correct record. Signed by EW (due to Covid) and to be countersigned by a Churchwarden

There were no matters arising.


The following reports for 2020-21 had all been previously circulated

Report on the Electoral Roll – Rachel O’Connor

Report on the proceedings of the PCC and activities of the parish – Liz White

Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church and Churchwardens’ Report -Ann Adams and Jennifer Hayward

Report on the Financial Statements of the Council for the year ending 31st Dec 2020 – Julie Longbottom

Report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod – Carol Watts


There were no questions or comments on the above reports but all those delivering reports were thanked for all their hard work throughout the year.


Election of PCC members

EW said she had received the following nominations for election to the PCC

Sally Cripsey              proposed by    Nick Cullum               seconded         Denise Johnston

Nick Cullum               proposed by    Sally Cripsey              seconded         Mike White

Warren Foot                proposed by    Sally Cripsey              seconded         Charlotte Foot

John Hayward             proposed by    Jennifer Hayward       seconded         Liz White

Denise Johnston         proposed by    Liz White                    seconded         Mike White

Lynda Parsons            proposed by    Ann Adams                 seconded         Liz White


Mr Phil Diffey proposed, and Mrs Liz White seconded, that all the above be elected to the PCC – all in agreement.

EW said that as the Electoral Roll now stands at 49, there should be 6 elected members of the PCC as above, Julie Longbottom and Carol watts being ex officio members as Treasurer and Deanery Synod representative respectively.


The date of the first meeting of the new PCC was decided as Tuesday 8th May at 7.30pm

The decision as to whether this would be a ZOOM or face to face meeting deferred to a later date

EW to prepare an agenda for the first PCC


Appointment of Independent Auditor: Jennifer Hayward proposed and Jan Diffey seconded that Evlyn Forgie be appointed as the Independent Auditor – all in agreement

Evlyn Forgie was thanked for auditing the accounts so efficiently each year.


AOB: AA thanked those not seeking re-election to the PCC for all their contributions: Jan Diffey, Amy Johnston, Valerie Oertel, Liz White


Alan and Gill Morgan said there had been some teething problems with the collection of subscriptions for the parish magazine and asked that this be an agenda item at the first PCC


The meeting concluded with The Grace at 8pm.


First PCC meeting : Tuesday 8th June at 7.30pm