Present: Ann Adams (Chair and Churchwarden) Jenny Hayward (Churchwarden), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Warren Foot, Julie Longbottom, Carol Watts, Liz White, Mike White
AA welcomed members and prayed for guidance in our discussions
Apologies: Valerie Oertel, Amy Johnston, Jan Diffey (away)
Update on Benefice Review and Pastoral Care: AA said there was no further news on the Deanery Review. Caren Topley (Clifton and Southill) is to give us Pastoral Care (not take services) and AA said she had been very helpful and she and JH had had two or three helpful meetings. EW asked if there was a timescale for the outcome of the Deanery review – AA replied that the Bishop originally said 6-9 months but it may well now be 3 months.
Future Services: AA said our second said service (Holy Communion) will be taken by the Archdeacon on 4th October. Please tell AA or JH if you wish to attend
Harvest Festival will be on 11th October (Zoom service)
Remembrance – There will be a short said service outside the church by the War Memorial
This will be followed by a ZOOM Service
Christmas Services to be decided in light of events
Treasurer’s Report: JL’s accounts to end of August and projections to the end of the year had been circulated and JL explained that there was little margin between income and expenditure
Future payment of Parish Share – MW proposed, and JH seconded (all in agreement) that we should pay half the Parish Share starting in September. WF added that this should be for an initial period of 3 months and then reviewed. Action: JL
Magazine Invoices: JL asked whether advertisers should be refunded as 6 months of the magazine have not been issued. AA suggested that there should be no refunds but put as credit towards the next year. NC said, and all agreed, that if some do not want to advertise next year they should receive a refund.
Magazine Subscriptions: AA said that Alan Morgan had asked for clarification about payment of subs These would have been due in June but he suggested collecting £5 in November as 5 of the 10 issues had been received. EW favoured collecting £10 next June as well as £5 outstanding from 2020. SC agreed and said she did not want to collect money in November.
NC asked whether subs were collected in advance or arrears and there seemed to be general confusion about this. He suggested that we made a decision that they were in advance and collect the £10 for the year next February when they would be due. This was agreed.
EW said that it should be possible for people to pay by bank transfer –( some people had been requesting this before the extra problems created by the pandemic) and it was agreed to put a note in the magazine to this effect: £10 subs to be paid in February either in cash or bank transfer – bank details to go in magazine.
Still to be determined how to audit those who pay direct to bank – without putting too much strain on JL. Action: AA
Benefice Office Expenses: AA said that we were still liable for Benefice Office expenses even though our benefice will not exist. Maggie does not charge but prepares the pew sheets in her own time. There are still phone and broadband expenses but JL said that the last rental on the photocopier has been paid. EW asked how we would photocopy in future apart from small amounts at home. WF very generously offered help with photocopying from his office.
CWs to decide future of Benefice Office expenses.
Giving Page on Church Website: AA said that most churches have a Giving Page on their website and she thought that the church could set up an account with ‘Parish Buying’
She was not sure of full details on this (or percentage taken as charge) so AA to investigate further and this has been put on hold till next meeting. Action:AA
Collecting Weekly Envelopes; AA said one or two people have paid by cheque but how should we collect this money outstanding since March?
SO is the only person who knows who are the envelope givers. JL said SO does not want to go to Bedford to deposit cash and she has requested a deposit card to deposit cash at the Post Office. This has to be a specific named card and NC offered to have a card to assist with depositing money at the bank or PO.
SO has told AA that so far this year (2020) £1487 has been raised - £848 from the Ceilidh,
£300 from Connie’s plants and the rest from Ann and Jan’s stalls. Thanks to all concerned.
Music Licence- JL asked if this should be renewed. AA had talked to Denise Johnston who believed it was not necessary as there had been no music in church. JL will not renew at end of September.
Seat in Churchyard in memory of Toby Parsons: A letter from Lynda and David Parsons requesting this had already been circulated, and it was agreed unanimously. MW had met with David Parsons and he had indicated the area where they would like the seat placed – on the south side of the north boundary wall adjacent to the churchyard extension. Lynda and Dave would like a bench made from recycled material (brown) and this was also agreed.
AA to tell Lynda who will order the bench.
Science of the Soul – Church response to planning application
The Parish Council had made us aware that English Heritage had raised some issues about the planning for a permanent meeting room. It was agreed the church should write a letter to the planning department in support of Science of Soul as good neighbours and a benevolent presence. EW read out draft letter which was agreed with some modifications – some members thought that only views appertaining specifically with planning details would be taken into account – NC said it would be a good PR exercise for Science of the Soul to see that we regard them as good neighbours. Action: EW
Sponsored Bike n Hike -EW thanked SC for taking part in this on Saturday and visiting so many churches. Thanks to those who have already given sponsorship, especially to Connie Cullum who has donated £50 from the sale of plants. Anyone still wishing to give please contact EW, or put the money through the door. Half of all sponsorship to the Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust is given back to St Mary’s.
Arrangements for APCM – Tuesday 29th September at 7.30pm via ZOOM
EW said that the 2 week period for revision of the Electoral Roll ends today -15th September
There are no changes – 50 people. The Electoral Roll (names only) has to be displayed either on church noticeboard or on church website until the APCM. It was agreed to display in both places.
AA will send out Zoom invitation to all on Electoral Roll, together with reports for 2019 and electronic nomination forms for Churchwardens, Deanery Synod representatives and PCC members. People may either complete these with nominee, proposer, and seconder details and return them to EW, or let EW know those details and she will complete the forms for later signing. Please could we have all proposals by a few days prior to the meeting.
EW thanked AA, JH, and SC for all they have done in lockdown to keep the worship and fellowship of ST Mary’s alive especially for the Zoom services and thanks also to Denise Johnston and Nick Cullum for the music.
AOB None
The meeting concluded with The Grace at 8.50pm